Sylvester János Nyomda
Настоящее имя: Sylvester János Nyomda
Now defunct Hungarian printing company in Szombathely.
Originally founded in 1907 as Vasvármegye Nyomdavállalat. Throughout the years it changed its name several times:
1907: Vasvármegye Nyomdavállalat
1923: Dunántúli Nyomdavállalat Rt.
1934: Kereskedelmi és Hírlapnyomda Rt.
1936: Vasvármegye Nyomdavállalat
After World War II: Szabad Vasmegye Nyomda (became state owned in Communism)
1952: Szombathelyi Nyomdaipari Vállalat
1978: Sylvester János Nyomda - named after János Sylvester, a 16th-century Hungarian figure of the Reformation, and also a poet and grammarian, who was the first to translate the New Testament into Hungarian in 1541.
1990: Sylvester-Print Kft.
1993: Sylvester Nyomda Kft. (privately owned)
In 1967 the printing company moved from the inner city to its new building on the river back of Perint. In 1993 the state owned company was privatized. The company went bankrupt and closed operations July 5th, 2008.
Sylvester János Nyomda as a company was registered July 2, 1985 (although it existed before) and removed July 1st, 1993, Sylvester-Print Kft. was registered in 1990 (still state owned), removed December 31st, 1994 - both transformed to Sylvester Nyomda Kft. (full name: Sylvester János Kiadó és Nyomda Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság).
Sylvester János Nyomda was often shortened to Sylvester J. Ny. or S. J. Ny. on releases.
The print company's name often appears together with Mahir or Typorg. These companies are brokers, use "Made By" or "Manufactured By" roles for them.