Orfeon Videovox, S.A.
Настоящее имя: Orfeon Videovox, S.A.
Founded in 1958 by the Mexican businessman Rogerio Azcárraga Madero.
In the 1990s they bought the Montilla catalog to Fernando J. Montilla.
May appear credited as Orfeon Video Vox, S.A.
Later registered as Orfeón Videovox S.A. De C.V. also appears on some releases with typo as Orfeón Videobox S.A. De C.V.
Calle 8 Esq. Alce Blance Fracc. Alce Blanco 2A
Seccion Naucalpan De Juarez
Edo. De Mex.
E-Mail: contacto[at]orfeon.com
Av. Universidad 1273