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Robert Shaw – Messiah

Лейбл: Telarc – CD-80093 Telarc Digital – CD-80093
Формат: CD
Страна: US
Жанр: Classical
Стиль: Baroque, Oratorio
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Part One
1-1 1. Sinfonia
1-2 2. Comfort Ye, My People - Tenor Recitative / 3. Every Valley Shall Be Exalted - Tenor Air
1-3 4. And The Glory Of The Lord - Chorus
1-4 5. Thus Saith The Lord - Bass Recitative / 6. But Who May Abide - Alto Air / 7. And He Shall Purify - Chorus
1-5 8. Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive - Alto Recitative / 9. O Thou That Tellest Good Tiding To Zion - Alto Air & Chorus
1-6 10. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth - Bass Recitative / 11. The People That Walked In Darkness - Bass Air
1-7 12. For Unto Us A Child Is Born - Chorus
1-8 [Parts 13 To 17]
1-8.1 13. Pifa - "Pastoral Symphony"
1-8.2 14a. There Were Shepherds - Soprano Recitative
1-8.3 14b. And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord Came Upon Them - Soprano Recitative
1-8.4 15. And The Angel Said Unto Them - Soprano Recitative
1-8.5 16. And Suddenly There Was With The Angel - Soprano Recitative
1-8.6 17. Glory To God - Chorus
1-9 18. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion - Soprano Air
1-10 19. Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind - Alto Recitative
1-11 20. He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd - Alto & Soprano Air
1-12 21. His Yoke Is Easy - Chorus
Part Two
1-13 Behold The Lamb Of God - Chorus
1-14 He Was Despised - Alto Air
1-15 Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs - Chorus
Part Two (Continued)
2-1 25. And With His Stripes We Are Healed - Chorus / 26. All We Like Sheep - Chorus
2-2 27. All They That See Him - Tenor Recitative / 28. He Trusted In God - Chorus
2-3 [Parts 29 To 32]
2-3.1 29. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart - Tenor Recitative
2-3.2 30. Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow - Tenor Air
2-3.3 31. He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living - Soprano Recitative
2-3.4 32. But Thou Didst Not Leave - Soprano Air
2-4 33. Lift Up Your Heads - Chorus
2-5 34. Unto Which Of The Angels - Tenor Recitative / 35. Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him - Chorus
2-6 36. Thou Art Gone Up On High - Alto Air
2-7 37. The Lord Gave The Word - Chorus
2-8 38. How Beautiful Are The Feet - Soprano Air
2-9 39. Their Sound Is Gone Out - Chorus
2-10 40. Why Do The Nations? - Bass Air / 41. Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder - Chorus
2-11 42. He That Dwelleth In Heaven - Tenor Recitative / 43. Thou Shalt Break Them - Tenor Air
2-12 44. Hallelujah - Chorus
Part Three
2-13 45. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth - Soprano Air
2-14 46. Since By Man Came Death - Chorus
2-15 47. Behold, I Tell You A Mystery - Bass Recitative / 48 . The Trumpet Shall Sound - Bass Air
2-16 [Parts 49 To 51]
2-16.1 49. Then Shall Be Brought To Pass - Alto Recitative
2-16.2 50. O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? - Alto & Tenor Duet
2-16.3 51. But Thanks Be To God - Chorus
2-17 52. If God Be For Us - Soprano Air
2-18 53. Worthy Is The Lamb ... Amen. - Chorus

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