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Неизвестный исполнитель – Eastern/Central Bird Songs

Лейбл: Houghton Mifflin – 6-81837 Peterson Field Guides – 6-81837
Формат: CD
Страна: US
Жанр: Non-Music
Стиль: Education, Field Recording
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Loons, Grebes, Swans, and Geese
1b Pied-Billed Grebe: Song; New York
1c Tundra Swan (Whistling Swan): Call, calls from flock; New Jersey, New York
1d Snow Goose: Calls, calls from flock; Louisiana
1e Canada Goose: Calls from flock; North Carolina
1f Brant: Calls from flock; New Jersey
Marsh Ducks
2b Mallard: Female call (male in background), male call; New York
2c Northern Pintail (Common Pintail): Female call, male call; Manitoba
2d American Widgeon: Male call; Texas
2e Wood Duck: Male whistle, female call; New Jersey, Minnesota
2f Northern Shoveler: Male call, Manitoba
2g Green-Winged Teal: Female call, male whistle; Manitoba, Pennsylvania
Diving Ducks, Coots, Gallinules
3b Common Eider: Male call (female in background); England
3c Ruddy Duck: Male call; Manitoba
3d American Coot: Calls; Manitoba, Florida, Utah
3e Common Moorhen (Common Gallinule): Calls; Florida, New York
4b Laughing Gull: Calls; Florida
5b Royal Tern: Call, Alabama
5c Caspian Tern: Calls; Quebec, Florida
5d Least Tern (Little Tern): Calls; Florida
5e Arctic Tern: Calls; Manitoba
5f Common Tern: Calls; Montana, South Dakota
5g Forster's Tern: Calls; California, Utah
5h Roseate Tern: Calls; New York
5i Black Tern: Calls; Manitoba
Herons, Bitterns, Cranes, and Limpkin
6b Black-Crowned Night-Heron (Black-Crowned Night Heron): Call; South Dakota
6c Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron (Yellow-Crowned Night Heron): Calls; Florida
6d Green-Backed Heron (Green Heron): Calls; Florida
6e Least Bittern: Call; Florida
6f American Bittern: Call; New York
6g Sandhill Crane: Call; Florida
6h Limpkin: Calls; Florida
7b King Rail: Ticking, "grunt" calls; New Jersey, Florida
7c Clapper Rail: Ticking; New Jersey
7d Sora: "Keek," "sora," "whinny" calls; New York, Massachusetts
7e Black Rail: "Kiki-krrr" call, aggression call; New Jersey, Missouri
7f Yellow Rail: Ticking; Manitoba
Stilts and Plovers
8b Black-Bellied Plover: Call; Ontario
8c Lesser Golden-Plover (Lesser Golden Plover): Calls; Manitoba
8d Ruddy Turnstone: Song, calls; Alaska, Massachusetts
8e Semipalmated Plover: Calls; New York, Manitoba, Peru, Massachusetts
8f Piping Plover: Calls; New Jersey
8g Snow Plover: Calls; Utah
8h Wilson's Plover: Call, broken wing display; Florida
8i Killdeer: Calls; Manitoba
Large Sandpipers
9b Common Snipe: Calls, flight display; Manitoba, Florida
9c Short-Billed Dowitcher: Calls; Texas, Washington, Manitoba
9d Long-Billed Dowitcher: Calls; South Dakota
9e Whimbrel: Call, song, call; Manitoba, Washington
9f Willet: Call, song; Utah, New York
9g Greater Yellowlegs: Calls; British Columbia, Massachusetts
9h Lesser Yellowlegs: Calls; Manitoba
Sandpipers and Phalaropes
10b Sanderling: Calls; Massachusetts
10c Upland Sandpiper: Song, call; North Dakota, Maine
10d Dunlin: Calls, song; Texas
10e Spotted Sandpiper: Calls, song, call; Maine, British Columbia
10f Least Sandpiper: Song, calls; Nova Scotia, Massachusetts
10g Semipalmated Sandpiper: Calls; Ontario, New York
10h Western Sandpiper: Calls; British Columbia
10i Wilson's Phalarope: Call; Utah
Turkey, Grouse, and Quail
11b Ruffed Grouse: Breeding display; Ohio
11c Ring-Necked Pheasant: Calls; New York
11d Spruce Grouse: Breeding calls, flutter flight, wing claps; British Columbia
11e Northern Bobwhite (Common Bobwhite): "Bob-white," covey calls; Georgia, Ohio
Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons
12b North Goshawk: Calls; New York
12c Red-Tailed Hawk: Flight calls; Oregon
12d Red-Shouldered Hawk: Courtship flight calls of pair; New York
12e Broad-Winged Hawk: Calls; Wisconsin
12f Bald Eagle: Calls; Alaska
12g American Kestrel: Pair calling near nest; Minnesota
12h Peregrine Falcon: Pair calling; New York
13b Eastern Screech-Owl (Common Screech Owl): "Whinny" and "bounce" calls; New York
13c Long-Eared Owl: Calls; New Jersey
13d Great Horned Owl: Dueting pair, fledgling call; California, New York
13e Barred Owl: Dueting pair; New York
13f Common Barn-Owl (Barn Owl): Call; New York
13g Great Gray Owl: Call; Alaska
13h Boreal Owl: Call; Alaska
13i Northern Saw-Whet Owl (Saw-Whet Owl): Call; New Jersey
13j Burrowing Owl: "Co-hoo," "quick-quick" calls; Alberta
Doves, Cuckoos, And Goatsuckers
14b Common Ground Dove (Ground Dove): Song; Bahamas
14c Yellow-Billed Cuckoo: Songs; New York, Florida
14d Black-Billed Cuckoo: Songs; New York
14e Mangrove Cuckoo: Jamaica
14f Common Nighthawk: Call, flight display; Ontario
14g Antillean Nighthawk: Calls; Florida
14h Whip-Poor-Will: Song; Pennsylvania
14i Chuck-Will's-Widow: Song; Florida
Hummingbirds and Kingfishers
15b Belted Kingfisher: Call; Washington
16b Pileated Woodpecker: Calls, drum; New York
16c Northern Flicker (Common Flicker): Calls, drum; Ontario, New York, Oregon
16d Red-Bellied Woodpecker: Call, drum; Florida
16e Red-Cockaded Woodpecker: Call, calls of young, bill tapping; Georgia
16f Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker: Call, drum; Georgia, New York
16g Downy Woodpecker: Calls, drum; Arkansas, South Carolina, New York
16h Hairy Woodpecker: calls, drum; New York, Quebec
16i Three-Toed Woodpecker (Northern Three-Toed Woodpecker): Drum; British Columbia
16j Black-Backed Woodpecker (Black-Backed Three-Toed Woodpecker): Call, drum; New York
Tyrant Flycatchers
17b Western Kingbird: Song, call; Montana, Arizona
17c Gray Kingbird: Song; Florida
17d Great Crested Flycatcher: Calls; West Virginia
17e Eastern Phoebe: Song, call; Ohio, New York
17f Eastern Wood-Pewee (Eastern Pewee): Songs, calls; Minnesota, Massachusetts
17g Olive-Sided Flycatcher: Song, call; California
Empidonax Flycatchers
18b Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher: Call, song; Maine
18c Least Flycatcher: Song, call; Michigan
18d Willow Flycatcher: Song, call; New York
18e Alder Flycatcher: Song, calls; Michigan
Larks and Pipits
19b Water Pipit: Call; New York
Swallows and Swifts
20b Cliff Swallow: Song, calls near nest; British Columbia, North Dakota
20c Barn Swallow: Song; Ohio
20d Tree Swallow: Calls; New York, Oregon
20e Northern Rough-Winged Swallow (Rough-Winged Swallow): Calls; Washington
20f Bank Swallow: Calls from flock; Maine
20g Chimney Swift: Calls from flock; New York
Crows and Jays
21b American Crow: Call, calls from flock; New Jersey
21c Common Raven (Northern Raven): Calls; Utah, Ontario
21d Blue Jay: Calls, Red-shouldered Hawk imitation; New York, Florida
21e Gray Jay: Calls; Alberta
Titmice, Nuthatches, and Creepers
22b Carolina Chickadee: Song, calls; Ohio, Georgia
22c Boreal Chickadee: Call; Quebec
22d Tufted Titmouse: Songs, call; New York, Florida, New Jersey, West Virginia
22e White-Breasted Nuthatch: Song, calls; Wyoming, New York
22f Red-Breasted Nuthatch: Song, calls; New York
22g Brown-Headed Nuthatch: Calls; South Carolina
22h Brown Creeper: Song, call; New York, Ontario
Wrens, Kinglets, and Gnatcatchers
23b Winter Wren: Song, call; Quebec, Louisiana
23c Bewick's Wren: Song, call; Ohio, California
23d Carolina Wren: Songs, call; Florida, Illinois, South Carolina
23e Marsh Wren: Song, call; Florida
23f Sedge Wren: Song, call; Florida
23g Ruby-Crowned Kinglet: Song, call; New Brunswick, New York, Maine
23h Golden-Crowned Kinglet: Song, call; North Carolian, New York
23i Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher: Song, calls; California, Ohio
Mockingbirds, Thrashers, and Thrushes
24b Gray Catbird: Songs, call; North Dakota, New York
24c Northern Mockingbird: Songs, call; Pennsylvania, California
24d Eastern Bluebird: Song, rattle call; South Carolina, Ontario
24e American Robin: Song, calls; Vermont, Maine
24f Gray-Cheeked Thrush: Song, call; Manitoba, Quebec
24g Swainson's Thrush: Song, call; Vermont, New Brunswick
24h Hermit Thrush: Song, calls; Michigan, Manitoba
24i Veery: Song, call; New York
24j Wood Thrush: Song, call; New York
Shrikes and Waxwings
25b Cedar Waxwing: Calls from flock; New York
26b Black-Whiskered Vireo: Song; Florida
26c Warbling Vireo: Song, call; New York, California
26d Philadelphia Vireo: Song; Quebec
26e Yellow-Throated Vireo: Song; South Carolina
26f White-Eyed Vireo: Songs; Florida
26g Bell's Vireo: Song; Texas
26h Solitary Vireo: Song; New York
26i Black-Capped Vireo: Song; Texas
Warblers (1)
27b Yellow-Throated Warbler: Song; Ohio
27c Black-Throated Green Warbler: Songs; New Brunswick
27d Prothonotary Warbler: Song; Georgia
27e Black-And-White Warbler: Song; Manitoba, Ohio, New York
27f Blackpoll Warbler: Song, call; Quebec
27g Black-Throated Blue Warbler: Songs; New York, West Virginia
27h Cerulean Warbler: Song; New York
27i Magnolia Warbler: Song; Quebec
27j Yellow-Rumped Warbler: Song, calls; New York, Washington
27k Canada Warbler: Songs; New York
Warblers (2)
28b Chestnut-Sided Warbler: Song; New York
28c Bay-Breasted Warbler: Song; Maine
28d Blackburnian Warbler: Songs; New York, Maine
28e American Redstart: Songs; New York, Ontario
28f Pine Warbler: Song; Maine
28g Prairie Warbler: Song; Florida
28h Palm Warbler: Song; Maine
28i Blue-Winged Warbler: Song; Ohio
28j Yellow Warbler: Songs; Illinois, New York
28k Swainson's Warbler: Song, call; Louisiana
28l Worm-Eating Warbler: Song; North Carolina
28m Tennessee Warbler: Song; Ohio
Warblers (3)
29b Hooded Warbler: Song, call; Ohio
29c Golden-Winged Warbler: Song; New York
29d Nashville Warbler: Song; Maine
29e Connecticut Warbler: Song; Manitoba, Minnesota
29f Mourning Warbler: Songs, call; Massachusetts, New York, Ontario
29g Kentucky Warbler: Song, call; New York, West Virginia
29h Common Yellowthroat: Song, call; Maryland, new York
29i Yellow-Breasted Chat: Song; New York
29j Northern Waterthrush: Song, call; Manitoba, Florida
29k Louisiana Waterthrush: Song; New York
29l Overnbird: Songs; New York, Ohio
30b Yellow-Headed Blackbird: Song, call; Oregon
30c Brown-Headed Cowbird: Song, call; New York
30d Rusty Blackbird: Song, call; New York
30e Brewer's Blackbird: Song, call; Oregon
30f Common Grackle: Calls, song, New York
30g Boat-Tailed Grackle: Calls; Florida
30h Great-Tailed Grackle: Calls from flock; Tamaulipas, Mexico
30i Bobolink: Song, call; New York
30j Eastern Meadowlark: Song, calls; New York, Florida
30k Western Meadowlark: Songs, call; California
Orioles and Tanagers
31b Northern Oriole ("Baltimore" Oriole): Song, call; Ohio
31c Northern Oriole ("Bullock's" Oriole): Song, call; California
31d Summer Tanager: Song, call; South Carolina
31e Scarlet Tanager: Song, call; New York
Finches, Buntings, and Grosbeaks (1)
32b Lapland Longspur: Song; Manitoba, Yukon
32c Dark-Eyed Junco (Northern Junco): Song; Maine
32d Snow Bunting: Song, calls; Manitoba, New York
32e Northern Cardinal: Songs, call, Tennessee, Florida
32f Red Crossbill: Song, calls; Utah, Manitoba
32g White-Winged Crossbill: Song, calls; Manitoba, New Brunswick
Finches, Buntings, and Grosbeaks (2)
33b House Finch: Song, call; New York
33c Purple Finch: Song, call; New York, Massachusetts
33d Pine Grosbeak: Song; Quebec
33e Evening Grosbeak: Calls, calls from flock; Alberta
33f American Goldfinch: Songs, calls; New York
33g Pine Siskin: Song, call; British Columbia
33h Blue Grosbeak: Song, call; Arizona
33i Indigo Bunting: Song, call; Ohio, New York
33j Painted Bunting: Song; South Carolina
33k Rose-Breasted Grosbeak: Song; Ontario
33l Rufous-Sided Towhee: Songs, call; New York
Sparrows (1)
34b White-Crowned Sparrow: Song, call; New York, Oregon
34c Chipping Sparrow: Song, call; Ohio, Montana
34d Field Sparrow: Song, call; Ohio, New York
34e Swamp Sparrow: Songs, call; Pennsylvania, Manitoba, Minnesota
34f American Tree Sparrow: Song, calls from flock; Manitoba, New York
34g Lark Sparrow: Songs; Minnesota
34h Clay-Colored Sparrow: Song; Saskatchewan
34i Grasshopper Sparrow: Songs; New York
Sparrows (2)
35b Fox Sparrow: Songs, calls; Alaska
35c Song Sparrow: Songs, calls; Ohio, New York
35d Vesper Sparrow: Songs, call; North Dakota, British Columbia
35e Lincoln's Sparrow: Songs, call; Manitoba, New Brunswick
35f Savannah Sparrow: Song, call; Ontario
35g Henslow's Sparrow: Song, call; New York
35h Sharp-Tailed Sparrow: Song; Manitoba
35i LeConte's Sparrow: Song; Alberta
35j Seaside Sparrow: Song, call; Florida

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