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Curtis Roads – Microsound

Лейбл: The MIT Press – ISBN 0-262-18215-7
Формат: CD
Страна: US
Дата релиза: 2004
Жанр: Electronic
Стиль: Experimental, Minimal
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Historical Examples
1 Analogique A Et B (Excerpts) 1:06
2 Klang-1 0:51
3 Prototype (Excerpt) 0:29
Sound Particles In Music Compositions
4 nscor (Excerpt) 1:17
5 Field (Excerpt) 0:31
6 Organic (Excerpt) 1:01
7 Half-Life (Excerpt) 1:12
8 Tenth Vortex (Excerpt) 1:31
9 Eleventh Vortex (Excerpt) 1:08
10 Sculptor (Excerpt) 1:34
11 Agon (Excerpt) 1:10
12 Live In The Universe (Excerpt) 1:45
13 Paleo (Excerpts) 2:39
Synthetic Granular Synthesis
14 Sinusoidal Grains 0:45
15 Synchronous Granular Cloud; Asynchronous Granular Cloud 0:33
16 Sinusoidal Granular Cloud 0:14
17 Dense Sinusoidal Granular Cloud 0:14
18 Sparse Granular Cloud 0:14
19 Metric Grain Stream 0:28
20 Granular Synthesis Collage 1:21
Glisson Synthesis
21 Isolated Glissons 0:14
22 Glisson Trains 0:10
23 Seven Glisson Clouds 1:49
Grainlet Synthesis
24 Sparse Grainlet Cloud 0:13
25 Four Grainlet Clouds 0:36
26 Medium-Density Grainlet Cloud 0:26
27 Grainlet Cloud With Frequency Pole (440 Hz) 0:16
28 Three High-Density Grainlet Clouds 0:23
29 Six High-Density Grainlet Experiments 1:09
Trainlet Synthesis
30 Individual Trainlets 0:37
31 Sparse Trainlet Phrases 1:03
32 Dense Trainlet Clouds 1:05
Pulsar Synthesis
33 Cosmic Pulsar (PSR 0329+54) 0:10
34 Pulsar Variations 0:52
35 Pulsar Rhythm Versus Tone 0:56
36 Rhythmic Burst Masking Examples 1:06
37 Tone Burst Masking, Subharmonics, And Long Tone Pulses 1:09
38 Stochastic Masking 0:25
39 Eight Short Pulsar Trains 3:39
Graphic And Sonographic Synthesis Of Microsound
40 Synthesis Of Microsound In Phonogramme 0:17
41 Two Microsound Synthesis Examples In MetaSynth 0:31
Synthesis By Transient Drawing And Particle Cloning
42 Synthesis By Transient Drawing 0:27
43 Transient Transformation 0:21
Physical Models Of Particles
44 Maracas Model In SYD 0:27
45 Micromontage 0:07
46 Basic Granulations 1:37
47 Timbral Enrichment By Particle Envelope Manipulation 0:47
48 Pitch-Shifting On A Micro Time Scale 0:28
49 Granular Time Stretching And Shrinking 0:39
50 Granular Formant Shifting 0:30
Filtering On A Micro Time Scale
51 Constant-Q Filters On Grains 2:01
52 Constant-Q Filters On Grains 2:47
Dynamics Processing On A Micro Time Scale
53 Granular Dynamics Processing 0:17
Waveset And Wavecycle Distortions
54 Waveset Transformations In SoundMagic FX 1:01
Convolution Of Microsounds
55 Granular Convolution Examples 1:28
56 Dense Granular Cloud Convolutions 0:19
57 Pulsar Convolution Example 0:29
Sound Transformation With Windowed Spectrum Operations
58 Phase Vocoder Operations (Pitch-Shifting) 0:57
59 Phase Vocoder Operations (Time Stretching) 0:40
60 Exotic Gabor Matrix Spectrum Transformations 0:50
61 Classic Vocoder Transformation 0:55
Sonographic Transformations
62 Sonogram Filtering 0:29
Transformations Based On The Tracking Phase Vocoder
63 Tracking Phase Vocoder Manipulations 1 (Track Amplitudes) 0:30
64 Tracking Phase Vocoder Transformations 2 (Spectrum Shifting And Multiplying) 0:21
65 Tracking Phase Vocoder Transformations 3 (Disintegration) 0:15
66 Tracking Phase Vocoder Transformations 4 (Morphing Sounds) 0:18
67 The Vector Oscillator Transform 0:19
68 Wavelet-Based Transformations 0:19

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