Arthur A. Allen Peter Paul Kellogg – American Bird Songs - Volume One: Second Issue
Жанр: | Non-Music |
Стиль: | Education, Field Recording |
Страна: | US |
Год: | 1955 г. |
Подробнее об участниках записи
A1 | Introduction |
Birds Of The North Woods |
Birds Of The North Woods |
A2b | Wood Thrush (Hylocichla Mustelina), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A2c | Olive-Backed Thrush (Hylocichla Ustulata), Elk Lake, N.Y. |
A2d | Gray-Cheeked Thrush (Hylocichla Minima), Churchill, Man. |
A2e | Veery (Hylocichla Fuscescens), Ithaca, N.Y. |
Birds Of The North Woods (Cont.) |
A3b | White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia Leucophyrs), Churchill, Man. |
A3c | Whip-Poor-Will (Caprimulgus Vociferus), Gettysburg, Pa. |
A3d | Scarlet Tanager (Piranga Olivacea), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A3e | Rose-Breasted Grosbeak (Hedymeles Ludovicianus), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A3f | Purple Finch (Carppodacus Purpureus), Ithaca, N.Y. |
Birds Of The North Woods (Cont.) |
A4b | Slate-Colored Junco (Junco Hyemalis), Elk Lake, N.Y. |
A4c | Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus Varius), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A4d | Alder Flycatcher (Empidonax Trailli), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A4e | Olive-sided Flycatcher (Nuttallornis Borealis), Riding Mts., Man. |
Birds Of Northern Gardens And Shade Trees |
A5b | Robin (Turdus Migratorius), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A5c | Catbird (Dumetella Carolinensis), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A5d | Baltimore Oriole (Icterus Galbula), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A5e | Yellow Warbler (Dendroica Petechia), Ithaca, N.Y. |
Birds Of Northern Gardens And Shade Trees (Cont.) |
A6b | Chickadee (Parus Atricapillus), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A6c | Wood Pewee (Myiochanes Virens), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A6d | Chipping Sparrow (Spizella Passerina), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A6e | Red-Eyed Vireo (Vireo Olivaceus), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A6f | Yellow-Throated Vireo (Vireo Favifrons), Ithaca, N.Y. |
A6g | Warbling Vireo (Vireo Gilvus), Ithaca, N.Y. |
Birds Of The Southern Woods And Gardens |
B1b | Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma Rufum), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B1c | Cardinal (Richmondena Cardinalis), Indian Island, Ga., And Ithaca, N.Y. |
B1d | Summer Tanager (Piranga Rubra), Fort Hill, Ohio |
Birds Of The Southern Woods And Gardens (Cont.) |
B2b | Pine-Woods Sparrow (Aimophila Aestivalis), Fort Hill, Ohio |
B2c | Pine Warbler (Dendroica Pinas), Tallahassee, Fla. |
B2d | Orchard Oriole (Icterus Spurius), Elsah, Ill. |
B2e | Yellow-Breasted Chat (Iceteria Virens), Fort Hill, Ohio |
Birds Of Fields And Praries |
B3b | Meadowlark (Sturnella Magna), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B3c | Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes Gramineus), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B3d | Field Sparrow (Spizella Pusilla), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B3e | Prairie Horned Lark (Otocoris Alpestris), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B3f | Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus Sandwichensis), Ithaca, N.Y. |
Birds Of Fields And Praries (Cont.) |
B4b | Henslow’s Sparrow (Passerherbulus Henslowi), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B4c | Lark Sparrow (Chondestes Grammacus), Minneapolis, Minn. |
B4d | Killdeer (Oxyechus Vociferus), Ithaca, N.Y., And The Pas, Man. |
American Game Birds |
B5b | Bob-White (Colinus Virginianus), Tallahassee, Fla. |
B5c | Wild Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo), Aransas Refuge, Tex. |
B5d | Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus Fuliginosus), Yosemite, Calif. |
B5e | Prairie Chicken (Tympanuchus Cupido), Central Wis. |
B5f | Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Pedioecetes Phasianellus), Central Wis. |
B5g | Chachalaca (Ortalis Vetula), Valles, Mexico |
American Game Birds (Cont.) |
B6b | California Quail (Lophortyx Californica), Berkeley, Calif. |
B6c | White-Winged Dove (Melopelia Asiatica), Tucson, Ariz. |
B6d | Woodcock (Philohela Minor), Ithaca, N.Y. |
B6e | Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis), Mattamuskeet, N.C. |
B6f | Mallard Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos), Ithaca, N.Y. |
- Produced For – Library Of Natural Sounds
- Record Company – Cornell University Press
Участники записи:
- Recorded By, Field Recording – Arthur A. Allen
- Recorded By, Field Recording – Peter Paul Kellogg
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American Bird Songs - Volume One: Second Issue
LP, Reissue |
none |
US | 1955 | Посмотреть в продаже | |||
American Bird Songs - Volume One
LP |
none |
US | 1955 | Посмотреть в продаже |