Настоящее имя: WWW.MULTIDISC.BE
Multidisc is a Belgian company based in Antwerp that offers CD and DVD manufacturing services. Please credit this profile when the URL is found in a matrix.
Multidisc appears not to physically manufacture discs themselves, but outsources this to external pressing plants, so should only be credited with Made By. Sometimes the actual pressing plant can be identified through other means.
The following pressing plants may be identified and credited from the matrix of CDs showing the WWW.MULTIDISC.BE URL:
EDC, Germany
Matrix pattern: 0XXXX XXXXX XXX 0X [°] 5XXXXXXX
Mould SID code: IFPI 01**
'WWW.MULTIDISC.BE' and a capital letter will be present in the inner matrix ring.
Example: [r3327291]
CDA (4)
Matrix patern: xxxx CD XXXXX made by www.multidisc.be
SID codes: IFPI L62* / IFPI 1G**
Example: Zoals Vrienden Doen
Promese (2008-16) / Profact International (2016-present)
SID codes: IFPI LWxx / IFPI AAH**
Example: [r7801940]