Настоящее имя: www.balticdisc.com
URL branding used by Estonian Baltic Disc to promote their services (until 2013). Only use this profile for releases which specifically credit www.balticdisc.com.
If a release mentions the url, and also the 'Baltic Disc' and/or 'BOD Group', please add all these entries to the LCCN section on separate fields.
'www.balticdisc.com' appears usually on the mirror band of a disc matrix with a code yy-mm/aaaaa-bbbb where yy-mm is year-month of manufacturing and aaaaa-bbbb is a commercial identifier (aaaaa = client number or order number, bbbb= order number or CD number in the order).
Please credit in LCCN as:
Pressed By – www.balticdisc.com without any catalog #; neither yy-mm/aaaaa-bbbb nor aaaaa-bbbb are sequential.
If there is a mastering SID code IFPI LK96 to LK99, Glass Mastered At – TAKT can be added in LCCN (also without any catalog #).