Настоящее имя: www.bod.lt
URL branding used by Lithuanian Baltic Optical Disc to promote their services.
Only use this profile for releases which specifically credit Baltic Optical Disc via the URL www.bod.lt.
If a release mentions both the URL and 'Baltic Optical Disc', please add both entries to the LCCN section in separate fields.
'www.bod.lt' appears usually on the mirror band of the matrix area with a code yy-mm/aaaaa-bbbb where yy-mm is year-month of manufacturing and aaaaa-bbbb is a commercial identifier (aaaaa = client number or order number, bbbb= order number or CD number in the order).
Please credit in LCCN as:
Pressed By – www.bod.lt without any catalog #, neither yy-mm/aaaaa-bbbb nor aaaaa-bbbb are sequential.
If there is a mastering SID code IFPI LK96 to LK99, Glass Mastered At – TAKT can be added in LCCN (also without any catalog #).
UAB "BOD Group"
Mokslininku str. 6A, Vilnius LT-08412
LT-08217 Vilnius, Lithuania
Ph.: (+370 5) 263 87 77
Fax.: (+370 5) 263 87 76
E-mail: office@bod.lt