Ez Dok Amairu
Настоящее имя: Ez Dok Amairu
Spanish series of Herri Gogoa / Edigsa label.
Ez Dok Amairu was the name of a Basque avant-garde cultural movement that between 1966 and 1972 was dedicated to recover the Basque culture and renew it. Emerged within the Euskal Kantagintza Berria (=Nueva Canción Vasca, = New Basque Song movement) and composed mainly of singers and writers in Basque, it also included other artistic disciplines. The song was a means to launch new messages of hope, justice, peace and freedom. It was about creating a new identity, denouncing injustices, expressing the need to create a people's conscience, transmit hope and bring literature closer to the people. As the song was the means to spread the message, the festivals became a pretext for people to gather. In addition to the cultural characteristics contained political and social demands during the Franco era. Its development coincided with similar movements in other areas of Spain, such as Els Setze Jutges within the Nova Cançó in Catalonia or the Manifesto Canción del Sur, in Andalusia.
In 1971 Benito Lertxundi released an album with the title "Ez dok amairu" in which were the well-known songs "Zenbat Gera" and "Urak dakarrena".
The group dissolved in 1972, when the dictatorship was ending. Since then, several of the members have followed their own path and have become a reference in Basque music and culture.
Multi-disciplinar members: Benito Lertxundi, Jesus Artze, Jose Anton Artze, Néstor Basterretxea, Nemesio Etxaniz, Vitoriano Gandiaga, Jose Angel Irigarai, Jose Mari Iriondo, Lourdes Iriondo, Michel Labeguerie, Mikel Laboa, Julen Lekuona, Xabier Lete, Oskarbi, Jorge Oteiza, Anton Valverde