Els Setze Jutges
Настоящее имя: Els Setze Jutges
Els Setze Jutges meaning (The Sixteen Judges) was a group of singers in the Catalan language founded in 1961 by Miquel Porter, Remei Margarit, and Josep Maria Espinàs. The name comes from a well known tongue-twister in the Catalan language: "Setze jutges d'un jutjat mengen fetge d'un penjat"(Sixteen judges of a court eat the liver of a hanged). The mission of the group was to promote the Nova Cançó movement and to normalize the use of Catalan in the world of modern music.
In addition to the cultural characteristics contained political and social demands during the Franco era. Its development coincided with similar movements in other areas of Spain, such as Ez Dok Amairu in Basque country or the Manifesto Canción del Sur, in Andalusia.
Miquel Porter i Moix
Remei Margarit
Josep Maria Espinàs
Delfí Abella
Francesc Pi de la Serra
Enric Barbat
Xavier Elies
Guillermina Motta
Maria del Carme Girau
Martí Llauradó
Joan Ramon Bonet
Maria Amèlia Pedrerol
Joan Manuel Serrat
Maria del Mar Bonet
Rafael Subirachs
Lluis Llach.