Universal-Duchess Music Corp.
Настоящее имя: Universal-Duchess Music Corp.
US-based publishing company, affiliated with BMI (IPI #353326378). Operating under this name from 4 June 1999 to 30 July 2004.
Also displayed on releases as:
- Universal Duchess Music Corp.
- Universal Duchess Music Corporation
Full legal entity name: Universal - Duchess Music Corporation
California company number: 300411
Incorporated: 25 March 1955 as 'J & M Productions, Inc.'
Name change: 30 December 1965 to Duchess Music Corp. - note this is also the name of a company that existed before this date
Name change: 9 December 1996 to MCA Duchess Music Corp.
Name change: 4 June 1999 - this page
Dissolved (merged out): 30 July 2004 into Songs of Universal, Inc.
Last registered address:
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City
CA 91608
United States of America