Joey Boy Records
Настоящее имя: Joey Boy Records
Miami, Florida based record label founded, owned & operated by Music Entrepreneur & Executive-Producer; Jose Armada Jr. & Allen L. Johnston.
The name for Joey Boy Records was derived from Jose Armada Sr. nicknaming his son Jose Armada Jr.; "Josesito", loosely translated in English to "Joey Boy". Hence the label's named roots.
While Joey Boy Records' first produced release in 1985 was a Reggae record. The label was geared towards the midstream genre of Freestyle and in the later eighties; evolved into the hard hitting local hip hop scene; known as "Miami Bass". An extremely popular style captured by the strip club environment that grew a huge following into the nineties.
Jose Armada Jr. is the son of Jose Armada Sr.; President & Owner of Miami based pressing plant Caribbean Records Mfg. Corp.; which was addressed next door to Joey Boy Records.
Their distribution arm was called Joey Boy Records, Corp.
[u]Joey Boy Records Corp.[/u]
3081 NW 24 Street
Miami, Florida 33142
Tel: (305) 635-5568
Fax: (305) 633-7127