London Records 90 Ltd.
Настоящее имя: London Records 90 Ltd.
Record company operating under this name from 18 December 1990. The company was renamed Warner Records 90 Ltd. on 26 August 2011.
This is a company, not a label. It should be listed with any branded labels as primary, usually London Records, FFRR or Ffrreedom, pursuant to guidelines. Please note New Order and Joy Division releases may not carry any logos: these are to be listed with London Records as the primary label.
Name variations:
- London Records 90 Ltd.
- London Records 90 Limited
- 90 Records LTD
Full legal entity name: London Records 90 Limited
UK Company number: 02512549
Incorporated: 18 June 1990 as 'TGP 280 Limited'
First name change: 18 December 1990 - this page
Second name change: 26 August 2011 to Warner Records 90 Ltd.
Third name change: 27 July 2017 to London Music Stream Ltd. (temporarily changed to '90 Music Stream Limited' from 27 July 2017 to 2 August 2017).
Immediate parent up until name change on 26 August 2011: Warner Music UK Ltd.
Registered address:
London Records 90 Limited
Interpark House
7 Down Street
Waldon House, 57/63 Old Church Street,
London, SW3 5BS
Chancellor's House 72 Chancellor's Road,
Hammersmith, London, W6 9SG
150 Aldersgate St,
London, EC1A 4EJ
2 Baches Street,
London, N1 6UB