BMG Ariola Discos Ltda.
Настоящее имя: BMG Ariola Discos Ltda.
Brazilian branch of BMG Ariola Intl.
Record company, manufacturing plant and distribution company
Note 1: Bertelsmann Music Group / BMG was only established in Jan-1987, so no release mentioning this brand can be dated to 1986 or earlier.
Note 2: this is a company, not a label. Please check how it is mentioned on your item and pick a matching role from the 'Label' dropdown menu on the submission form.
Check the release for logos to determine the correct label.
SCDP/PF 50/87 - Permit number at the Serviço de Censura e Diversões Públicas - Polícia Federal.
CGC 56.697.162/0002-66 - Registration number on Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes do Ministério da Fazenda. Opened on November 14, 1986, closed on August 06, 1996
Av. Engenheiro Billings, 2227, São Paulo, Brasil