Kirkelig Kulturverksted
Настоящее имя: Kirkelig Kulturverksted
Taken from web site: "Kirkelig Kulturverksted (KKV) has reached a central cultural position in Norway over the past 25 years, and has made an entry into Norwegian cultural history (...) KKV wants to bridge the secular with the religious, tradition with creativity. We pass on music, drama and other art forms".
From 1987 to 2005 this label was owned by Aschehoug. Releases with their name printed on the cover or disc, should credit Aschehoug as a record company in the LCCN section.
Since 2005 KKV has been owned by Kirkens Bymisjon (40%), Opplysningsvesenets Fond (OVF – an endowment fund set up to benefit the Church) (40%) and Marianne Lystrup/Erik Hillestad (20%).
Labelcode: LC 05783 / LC 5783
Hausmannsgate 14
Postboks 4684 Sofienberg
N-0506 Oslo
Phone + 47 22 99 34 50
Fax + 47 22 99 34 51