Ice Records (4)
Настоящее имя: Ice Records (4)
ICE Records aka ООО «ICE Records» is a Russian pirate label \ company, which releases DVDs, CDs and MP3 CD-ROM compilations. Claims to be operating under license Лицензия МПТР России ВАФ № 77–187.
This brand and company name most possibly exist only on artwork of the releases (and are not registered anywhere). The company, which manufactures and distributes these releases, is known as Арктика.
All or most of releases from this label come with same barcode "4 607313 317625" (4607313317625)
Россия, 121097, г.Москва, Большая Новодмитровская, д 48, стр. 1, кор. 3.
По вопросам оптовых закупок обращаться по тел. (495) 756-34-90.
С предложениями, пожеланиями и замечаниями обращаться по тел.(495)756-35-86