Tonographie GmbH
Настоящее имя: Tonographie GmbH
The Tonographie GmbH was founded in 1931 at the instigation of Hans Karl von Willisen (* 1906, † 1966) and Paul-Günther Erbslöh (* 1905, † 2002) in Berlin for the production and distribution of sound recordings of all kinds, in particular for sound film purposes, as well as the production and distribution of sound recording and reproducing. The lenders were Laurits Sterling (Holte near Copenhagen, Denmark) and Hans Zorn (Berlin). Henning Sterling (Berlin) was Managing Director.
The company was initially in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Forkenbeckstraße 95 (in close proximity to the headquarters of Otto Stahmann / Brillant / Tempo). Approximately In 1934/35 the company moved to the address: Berlin W 35 (Tiergarten), Potsdamer Straße 122.
In addition to advertising and private recordings also used larger and larger companies the technology of Tono. The main business, however, were subcontracting small and medium-sized record companies with low capacity or no own recording studios. This is how tonography - TONO records / recordings for:
- Tempo (2) / Brillant (2) / Brillant-Special
- Triton
- Pallas
- Phonoton
- Electromusik
- National Socialist Record industry
- Clangor-Schallplatten G.m.b.H.
Not to be confused with the danish Tono Label.