CMS (11)
Настоящее имя: CMS (11)
Credit when following string is found in Matrix or Runout: CMS 400xxxxx.
Manufactured By - CMS (11) 400xxxxx - only add the sequential job number without CMS prefix.
For vinyl it appears mostly in combination with Celebrate Records GmbH etchings.
Ramona Neugebauer
Jürgen Wißlicen
AG Bamberg,
HRB 5726
UST-IdNr.: DE814817615
CMS Compact Media Service GmbH
Rotensteinstraße 1
96050 Bamberg
Fon: +49 (0)951 917 007 40
Fax: +49 (0)951 917 007 42
Mail: Info [ät] CompactMediaService [dot] de