Fábrica Odeon
Настоящее имя: Fábrica Odeon
Fábrica Odeon was the popular credited name of the first Brazilian record factory, first record factory in Latin America. It was a joint project between local Odeon representative Fred Figner, owner of the record store Casa Edison, Rio de Janeiro and the Odeon trademark owners Carl Lindström A.-G.. Through it's tenure, it achieved the production of more than 1,500,000 copies a year.
Despite being inaugurated in 1913, the company didn't take over production (or differentiate credit itself) from their original German supplier International Talking Machine Co. m.b.H. until 1919. From there onto 1928 all Figner records are credited to the Fábrica Odeon. In that year, administration of the company is credited to the Electric & Musical Industries Ltd. subsidiary Transoceanic Trading Company.
The factory pressed records for other Latin American countries and other non Odeon brazilian labels. In Argentina exports were made for Odeon's agent in the country, Max Glucksmann, roughly from 1916 to Oct. 1919, due to the closure of International Talking Machine Co. m.b.H.'s factory, albeit it was rarely credited.
1913-1928 - Rua João Alfredo 50, Olaria, Distrito Federal (today Municipio do Rio de Janeiro), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil