Настоящее имя: DCM
DCM or DCM Discos was a Mexican label (manufactured & distributed by parent company: Discos Y Cartuchos De Mexico, S.A.), created in the early 60s in Mexico by Ignacio (Nacho) Morales.
Also released in Colombia (manufactured & distributed by Sonolux S.A.), and in the US (manufactured by Profono Internacional, Inc.)
>> DCM Discos logo seems to have been used in the 60s, and early 70s, with cat # DM-xx >> DCM Discos should be used alone when DCM Discos logo is on the sleeve and on the labels
>> DCM logo arrived in the mid-70s, with several reissues having DCM Discos logo on sleeve (with initial cat # DM-xx), and DCM logo on labels (with new cat # DM-200xx). In that case, please use both DCM Discos with cat # DM-xx, and DCM with cat # DM-200xx
>> DCM should be used alone when no DCM Discos logo appears on sleeve (front or back)
(see Images to compare logos)
(click on Images to see the different logos)
>> For the Swedish pressing plant, please use DCM (3)