Beeda Record
Настоящее имя: Beeda Record
Label made for sale exclusively by the long established Australian music store Allan & Co., which also marketed a brand of Beeda gramophones.
Initially one release was made in 1924 by the Compo Company of Canada. This record was numbered 684 from the company's Apex label catalogue series.
Subsequently, Beeda records were made by the Plaza Record Company of New York, U.S.A. which also manufactured a range of labels for the U.S. market such as Banner, Regal and Domino. The first few records made by Plaza were numbered in 1000 series, and then the catalogue numbers changed to a 100 series. About 20 releases were produced between late 1924 and mid 1926.
Although made variously in Canada and the U.S. Beeda Record was sold only in the Allan & Co. music store in Melbourne, Australia.