Dino Music Ltd. (2)
Настоящее имя: Dino Music Ltd. (2)
Rights holder of the Quality marque and catalogue and also operated as Quality Records Special Products / Quality Special Products. Acquired the rights from R-Tek Corporation, which received them from Quality Records Limited in 1985. (R-Tek Corporation was owned by Selkirk Communications Limited.)
R-Tek Corporation, was started by brothers Raymond and Harold Kives who were top executives with K-Tel along with their cousin Phil Kives who founded K-Tel after that company went into receivership in 1985 ( later to exit that receivership in 1991). Raymond & Harold formed Dino Music Ltd. (2).
Released some recordings using it's own logo in conjunction with Quality Special Products in 1986 - 87. Began releasing recordings under the Quality Records (2) label in 1991.
Active 1986 - 1993
The company subsequently became Quality Dino Entertainment Ltd. Nov. 1992 which traded on both the Canadian TSX (Symbol QDE.U )and U.S.A. NASDAQ (Symbol RCORFQ ) stock exchanges. This company went into receivership in 1997, emerged for a few months and again went into final receivership in March 1998.