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Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Watch
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Опубликовано: 27.07.2024 13:06
- Артист: Manfred Mann's Earth Band
- Лейбл: Bronze - 25 762 XOT Bronze - 25 762 XOT/96 345
- Состояние: Б/у
- Состояние товара: Excellent
- Состояние упаковки: Very Good Plus (VG+)
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
Информация о релизе «Watch»
Посмотреть релиз в дискографииТреклист:
A1 | Circles Written-By – Alan Mark
5:18 | |
A2 | Drowning On Dry Land / Fish Soup Written-By [Drowning On Dry Land] – Chris Slade
Written-By [Fish Soup] – Manfred Mann (2)
Written-By [Fish Soup] – Dave Flett
6:10 | |
A3 | Chicago Institute | 5:30 | |
A4 | California Written-By – Sue Vickers
5:10 | |
B1 | Davy's On The Road Again Written-By – Robbie Robertson
Written-By – John Simon
5:25 | |
B2 | Martha's Madman Written-By – Lane Tietgen
4:20 | |
B3 | Mighty Quinn Written-By – Bob Dylan
6:30 |
- Distributed By – Ariola
- Mixed At – The Workhouse Studios
- Phonographic Copyright (p) – Bronze Records Ltd.
- Pressed By – Sonopress
- Printed By – Mohndruck Reinhard Mohn OHG
- Published By – Carlin Music Corp.
- Published By – B. Feldman & Co. Ltd.
- Published By – Earthly Music Limited
- Published By – Island Music Ltd.
- Record Company – Ariola Eurodisc GmbH
- Recorded At – The Workhouse Studios
Участники записи:
- Backing Vocals – Irene Chanter
- Backing Vocals – Kim Goody
- Backing Vocals – Manfred Mann (2)
- Backing Vocals – Stevie Lange
- Backing Vocals – Victy Silva
- Backing Vocals – Doreen Chanter
- Backing Vocals – Pat King
- Bass Guitar – Pat King
- Crew [Road] – Charlie MacPherson
- Crew [Road] – Mouse (20)
- Crew [Road] – Mick Williams (3)
- Drums, Percussion – Chris Slade
- Engineer – Rik Walton
- Engineer – Laurie Latham
- Keyboards – Manfred Mann (2)
- Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar – Dave Flett
- Management – Harry Maloney
- Painting [Album Design From An Original Painting By] – Michael Sanz
- Photography By – Pat King
- Producer – Manfred Mann's Earth Band
- Tape Op [Tape Operator] – Edwin Cross
- Vocals, Guitar – Chris Thompson
Штрих-коды и идентификаторы:
- Label Code : LC 2313
- Rights Society Boxed: GEMA
- Matrix / Runout Label side A: S 25 762 A
- Matrix / Runout Label side B: S 25 762 B
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 1: 25762 A-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 1: 25762 B-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 2: 25762 A-2 /78S Ⅱ Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 2: 25762 B-2 /78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 3: 25762 A-1/78S IV Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 3: 25762 B-2 /78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 4: 25762 A-2 /78S M̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷d̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷i̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷G̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷r̶̷̶̶̷m̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷y̶̷̶̶̷ 047
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 4: S 25 762 B-2 /78S M̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷d̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷i̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷G̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷r̶̷̶̶̷m̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷y̶̷̶̶̷ 047
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 5: 25762 A-1/78S Ⅱ Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 5: 25762 B-1 /78S Ⅱ Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 6: 25762 A-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 6: 25762 B-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 7: 25762 A-1 /78S M̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷d̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷i̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷G̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷r̶̷̶̶̷m̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷y̶̷̶̶̷ 011 VR-08-20924-IA-I
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 7: 25762 B-2 /78S II Made in Germany 011
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 8: 25762 A-1/78S III Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 8: 25762 B-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A stamped, variant 9: 25762 A-2 /78S II Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B stamped, variant 9: 25762 B-1/78S III Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 1: 25762 A-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 1: 25762 B-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 2: 25762 A-2 /78SII Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 2: 25762 B-2 /78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 3: 25762 A-1/78S IV Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 3: 25762 B-2 /78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 4: 25762 A-2 /78S M̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷d̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷i̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷G̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷r̶̷̶̶̷m̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷y̶̷̶̶̷ 047
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 4: S 25 762 B-2 /78S M̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷d̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷i̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷G̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷r̶̷̶̶̷m̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷y̶̷̶̶̷ 047
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 5: 25762 A-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 5: 25762 B-1 /78S II Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 6: 25762 A-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 6: 25762 B-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 7: 25762 A-1 /78S M̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷d̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷i̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷ ̶̷̶̶̷G̶̷̶̶̷e̶̷̶̶̷r̶̷̶̶̷m̶̷̶̶̷a̶̷̶̶̷n̶̷̶̶̷y̶̷̶̶̷ 011 VR-08-20924-IA-I
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 7: 25762 B-2 /78S II Made in Germany 011
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 8: 25762 A-1/78S III Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 8: 25762 B-1/78S Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side A, variant 9: 25762 A-2 /78S II Made in Germany
- Matrix / Runout Runout side B, variant 9: 25762 B-1/78S III Made in Germany
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