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JEGONG - I (2LP) 2020

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4 Просмотров
Опубликовано: 28.01.2024 05:28
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: LP / Пластинки
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: JEGONG

Альбом: I

Лейбл: Pelagic

Вид носителя: 2LP

Дата Релиза: 20.10.2020

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 4024572629175

Примечание: Swiss / American duo JEGONG (feat. Dahm Cipolla of MONO and Reto M?der of Sum Of R) are releasing their debut album on October 16th. This is a beautifully spooky and sublime instrumental album that will appeal to fans of Kraut acts like Neu, Can or Cluster as well as to fans of Stars of the Lid, Mono or Earth JEGONG is the amalgamation of two distinct forces within post-rock and heavy music, Dahm Majuri Cipolla, drummer of MONO (Japan) & Watter, and Reto M?derof Sum Of R. Bursting with new ideas while tipping their hat to legends of yore, the duo's energies focus on the crossroads between Krautrock, ambient and post-rock, bringing to mind acts ranging from Ash Ra Tempel, GAS, Cluster, Mogwai and more while blazing trails with their electronic-forward approach. JEGONG, named in tribute to a track by Cluster's Dieter Moebius, was formed by shared musical influence and a friendship developed during a European tour when Sum Of R and Cipolla's band Watter intersected during the former's routing towards the highly respected European festival Roadburn. During their encounters, the pair bonded over the musical output of the early 70s, specifically the intersection of electronic music and boundary-pushing experimentalism found in Krautrock that gave rise to classic acts like Can, Faust, Tangerine Dream, Neu! and more. In this spirit, if not also musically, is where the soul of the JEGONGproject lies- melodic, genre-pushing, fascinating and honoring the past while looking toward the future. The classic Krautrock movement may provide the bedrock for all that is JEGONG, but the project is far from a "worship" band. Instead of aping core elements of the movement, the duo used the style as a launch pad to move into uncharted realms- thereby conjuring the original, truly bold spirit of the style. The result is a record without inhibition- delving deep into psychedelia, ambient, repetition, post-rock and even elements of dystopian sci-fi soundtracks like Blade Runner and Metropolis during the LP's 70+ minute r ntime. "With JeGong we don't want to copy the Krautrock style," reiterates M?der. "We see our project more as a creative playground to celebrate the playful and experimental approach from earlier Krautrock using organic sounds and textures from analogue sounds to explore mood." Consisting of 14 tracks, the debut effort from JeGong is emblematic of the adventurous spirit at the dawn of electronic music converging with the wide-eyed wonder toward experimentation found at the height of the psychedelic movement. Using processed guitars and heavily manipulated synths, M?der creates vast atmospheric architecture in which Cipolla's tasteful yet propulsive percussion adds a backbone and the unexpected twist. The combination pays homage to the greats of yesteryear while adding influence from artists ranging from Grouper toSunn 0))) to Zombi. JEGONG not only tips its hat to the Krautrock era, but also reimagines the mo vement with new approaches and updated ideas. "To me, it's about our mutual love for 70's German music without being blatant about it," comments Cipolla.."It's a tribute but it's done our way- honoring these heroes in the only way we can." ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED FOR FANS OF: Ash Ra Temple, Gas, Cluster, Can, Neu!, Ennio Moricone, Stars Of The Lid, Earth, Mono, This Will Destroy You, Labradford

**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****

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2795 ₽
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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