PHASE 7 - Playtime (Ltd. Green Vinyl) (LP) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Playtime (Ltd. Green Vinyl)
Лейбл: Aloha Got Soul
Вид носителя: LP
Дата Релиза: 04.09.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 0787790273684
Примечание: Formed by a bond stronger than blood _ friendship _ the seven members of Phase 7 made their mark on Hawaii's nightlife in the 1970s with their high caliber musicianship and on-stage antics, captured in their highly coveted 1980 debut LP, Playtime. Phase 7 clinched an unprecedented residency at the Infinity nightclub in the Sheraton Waikiki _ the hotel had only ever hired mainland acts, including the Burgundy Express and the Lewis & Clark Expedition, before bringing in Phase 7 to fire up the dancefloor. Their musical talents paired with their penchant for mischief often raised the bar while raising eyebrows. Tracks like "Playtime" and "Dance The Night Away" show off their love for stone cold grooves. "So Good To Be In Love" takes us on a trip to a dancefloor filled with funk, disco, and tropical rare grooves. Tunes like "Slip Away" and "You And Me" prove the band can pen not just dancefloor hits but top notch slow jams. "In the studio, every one of these guys spent as much time in the control room as on the other side of the glass, adding their talents to every phase of the production," reads the LP's original liner notes. "But although they're superb studio musicians, vocalists, and writers, Phase 7 is foremost a performing group. To capture their true essence you really have to see them live." Encouraged by Infinity's resident DJ, Travis Davis, Phase 7 entered Broad Studios to cut Playtime. Playtime is a testament to the band's musicianship, vocal talents, songwriting skills, and aptitude for tomfoolery, in the studio and on stage.
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