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FRED UND LUNA - Im Weltenraum (2LP + MP3) (2LP) 2020

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13 Просмотров
Опубликовано: 28.01.2024 03:38
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: LP / Пластинки
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: FRED UND LUNA

Альбом: Im Weltenraum (2LP + MP3)

Лейбл: Compost

Вид носителя: 2LP

Дата Релиза: 17.07.2020

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 0673794257013

Примечание: Space music of an outstanding and extraordinary kind: just as you would expect when two mannequins leave their boutique in Karlsruhe/Germany in their mind’s eye to go and see places where they haven’t been before. “Im Weltenraum”, how they call their new album, is Fred und Luna’s next step in their ever-changing series of “Elektrokraut/Krautelektro” music. A charming and fascinating voyage through an endless universe of phantasmagorial soundscapes, repetitive rhythms, catchy melodies and even a side trip to Acid House Land. After their “Gl?ck auf” on Optimo Music, where they started with a journey through motorik Krautland, followed by a trip to a both atmospheric and boppy soundgarden on their album “Im Klanggarten” (Bigamo), an intoxicating journey into deep blue areas on “Im Tiefenrausch” (Compost Records) and tribal dancefloor spots on “Im Tanzrausch” (Compost), “Fred und Luna” are now on the traces of spaces, unknown worlds and unknown time zones, accompanied by Patrick Pulsinger, both a mixmaster and a master of mastering. Who are Fred und Luna? "Fred und Luna" are two mannequins living in a fashion boutique in Karlsruhe, Germany. They serve as muse for musician, lector, poet and photo/video maker Rainer Buchm?ller. Inspired by his doll friends and his love for German electronic music of the past decades, Rainer Buchm?ller under the alias “Fred und Luna” produces his self-created genres Elektrokraut and Krautelektro: both a modern combination of repetitive rhythms, beautiful melodies, electronic soundscapes and elements from the Krautrock era. Under the name of “Ariston Baton” Rainer Buchm?ller also writes and performs sound poems and concrete poetry. On live events and especially on exhibitions Ariston Baton is joining “Fred und Luna” and Rainer Buchm?ller’s third identity “Vizudaru Nono”, who is contributing video and photo projections. Together they form the so called “Equipe Nadaphysique”. The next exhibition featuring all three named personalities will take place end of October 2018 at Rockomotives Festival, Vend?me/France. A brief history of Fred und Luna Having previously released the EP “Gl?ck auf” on the Scottish label Optimo Music and being remixed by Prins Thomas for the Berlin label Innervisions, the year 2017 saw Fred und Luna feature their debut album “Im Klanggarten” on Frank Wiedemann’s (?me, Howling) newly-founded label Bigamo Musik. After the first editions of both the EP and LP being sold out quickly, live shows in Germany, France and England followed as well as remixes for Peter Pardeike (Connaisseur Recordings) and a common release with Trikk on Innervisions, among others. A team-up with Achim Treu (UFO Hawaii) resulted in several remixes for international musicians. On tour with Fred und Luna (The Luna principle) On live shows, Fred und Luna are represented by Rainer Buchm?ller as FRED and a LUNA spontaneously chosen from local musicians, friends or someone from the audience, making every show a surprise and a unique performance. Previous Lunas include keyboard players, drummers, DJs, guitarists, rappers, poets, saxophonists, trumpeters, violinists, complete bands, a musical saw player, an opera singer and many more. Watch out: The next Luna could be you! „Fred und Luna is a miraculous treasure chest with seemingly unlimited realms of Krautelektro and Elektrokraut music.“ FRANK WIEDEMANN (?ME/INNERVISIONS) „Fred und Luna’s universe is full of wonderful possibilities and greets you like an old friend whistling a long forgotten melody.“ PATRICK PULSINGER „Wunderbar!“ JD TWITCH (OPTIMO)

**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****

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2100 ₽
(из Бузулук)
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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