GRIM RAVINE - It'S A Long Way Down, To Where You Are (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: It'S A Long Way Down, To Where You Are
Лейбл: Hostile Media
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 27.03.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 7105273709087
Примечание: Cited as one of the finest purveyors of extreme blackened doom to emerge from the UK and having firmly left their mark with 2015's self-titled and 2017's The Light is from Below, south coast quintet Grim Ravine, proudly reveal their latest opus It's A Long Way Down, To Where You Are. The four track album spans a multitude of soundscapes from doom to black metal, melodic to discord, it's ethereal and haunting. It's A Long Way Down, To Where You Are is an album that could be summarised as one of positive misery, a celebration of hopelessness and the futility of our joyous descent into oblivion. The band comments, "We have drawn inspiration far and wide, not just from musicians we admire but writers and filmmakers that have created works of dark reality and harrowing visions of the future. The music continues with the sound that has naturally evolved through our live shows and our first two releases. Taking elements from sludge, doom and black metal, then enriching them with a dark ambient atmosphere and a smothering haze of misery. We were able to experiment more with this release and we are very proud of the results. The lyrics are inspired by weird fiction, most notably Lovecraft, and the dreams and visions that these stories have inspired. While inspiration has been taken from certain stories, the content has been inspired by the victims within, rather than from the narrator's perspective." TRACK LISTING 1. The Weight Is Upon You 2. Past Decay 3. Barren Ground 4. Earth To Dust
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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