HASLINGER, PAUL - Exit Ghost (LP) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Exit Ghost
Лейбл: Artificial Instinct
Вид носителя: LP
Дата Релиза: 07.02.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 8092361500116
Примечание: I've never been happy staying in one particular school of musical thought. The fun has been turning things on their heads, to try something you were not supposed to do." Former member of the legendary Tangerine Dream, Paul Haslinger is a man who knows how to build tension, hold moods, illustrate contempt, lies, passion and pleasure; He can create fear, loathing and love - he's been unlocking the nuances of such emotions in a hugely successful career as a TV and film soundtrack composer ("Halt And Catch Fire", "Underworld" and the Golden Globe-nominated "Sleeper Cell"). "Exit Ghost" is his long thought out opus, a moment caught in time, flicking through reference points, taking an ethereal excursion that permeates musical genres as it becomes awash with intricate sounds and cross-pollinating rhythms. Built originally from the warmth of his grand piano "Exit Ghost" resonates with purity and power, from an eerie and evocative betweenworld, that's at once expansive and rolling, then intoxicating and suffocating in equal measures; modern composition at its most uplifting; cerebral, celebratory, intense and beautiful. "The soul searching in connection with this record was extensive. Finding places of resonance, giving a colour to your memories. It was more challenging because it's not somebody else's narrative. Finding the core of your own story can be the most difficult task of all." Created over the span of eight years and filled with literal and personal references, the album itself is a testament to the search - a quest filled with hints, particles and suggestions.
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