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MOORE, VINNIE - Soul Shifter (CD) 2020

16 Просмотров
Опубликовано: 28.01.2024 01:39
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: CD
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: MOORE, VINNIE

Альбом: Soul Shifter

Лейбл: Mind's Eye Music

Вид носителя: CD

Дата Релиза: 07.02.2020

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 0194171760464

Примечание: Guitar Legend Vinnie Moore To Release New Album "Soul Shifter" - The follow up to Vinnie's critically acclaimed 2015 "AERIAL VISIONS" album on his label Mind's Eye Music. Titled "Soul Shifter", Vinnie's 9th solo album features guest appearances by legendary artists Rudy Sarzo and Jordan Rudess (Dream Theater), with Richie Monica (Billy Cox, Papa Chubby) on drums, Michael Bean (bassist from Vinnie's TIME ODYSSEY album), Randy McStine (Bass), John Cassidy (Keyboards), and John Pessoni (Drums). Vinnie is considered one of the originators of shred guitar, and has released eight influential solo albums, and six albums and a LIVE DVD as a member of rock royalty legends UFO. He's made countless album guest appearances, and has even recorded the soundtrack for a PEPSI TV commercial. He's been a member of Alice Cooper's band and was opening act for RUSH on their ROLL THE BONES tour with his own band. His solo and UFO recordings as well as LIVE performances have amassed rave reviews all around the globe from both fans and music press, catapulting him into guitar icon distinction! He has been an inspiration for fans and guitarists worldwide.Say's Vinnie, "I have been touring all over the world extensively with UFO and my solo band for the past 16 years. I started this album a couple years back and have been working on it religiously between tours. It's quite different than any of my others. It has elements of things I've done in the past, but has gone much deeper into certain areas. There is an overall sort of contrast between energetic upbeat songs, versus ballad-like soulful ones which has always been a big part of my style. There are some Jam elements in places too. This is likely the most emotional and soulful thing I have ever done. Very moody, with lots of feel". "I wrote a song as a tribute to Carlos Santana, called BROTHER CARLOS, and another called GAINESVILLE STATION which is a tip of the hat to Steve Gaines. Both players were huge influences on me when I was learning to play, and continue to be now". "He's hands down the greatest Moore since Demi, Roger, Dudley and Mary Tyler", and the greatest Vinnie since Vinnie Barbarino." - Johnny JizzleJam, Planet Guitar Gods Magazine - "When something moves me, what I am feeling flows directly into music. That's how I deal with reality. I woke up one morning to the news that Chris Cornell had passed and it really hit me hard. I went into my studio, picked up a guitar and immediately wrote and recorded MYSTIFIED. Without intending to do so, and because of what was going on around me at the time, this album in a way became a tribute to people who meant something to me. The Allman Brothers were always one of my favorite bands and I was working on a song called SOUL RIDER that was inspired by them. While writing it, unfortunately Greg Allman left us. A lot of heart went into recording that song. Also, I wrote a song called HEARD YOU WERE GONE for my friend and band mate Elliott (Dean Guitars) who left us unexpectedly a couple years back. "There are definitely some downhearted cathartic moments on this album, but they're balanced out with songs like KUNG FU GRIP and FUNK BONE JAM that represent the opposite side of my personality, which is my constant joking and quirky sense of humor". Vinnie has done hundreds of shows all over the planet, including Europe, UK, Scandinavia, Brazil, USA, as well as India, S. Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Russia, and Canada. "Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that Vinnie may have been spawned from alien DNA! Or at least his left index finger anyway" - Giorgio Thessaloniki, Ancient Aliens. "Solo records are a great vehicle because the canvas is totally open and I can paint whatever and wherever I want. There's total freedom in not having boundaries. All of my influences are on the canvas, from Rock to Blues to Be-Bop to Funk, even R&B and beyond. I have always felt music deeply even before I played guitar. After I began playing, it became my vehicle to express and release what I feel inside. I love channeling my soul into melodies and songs

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1820 ₽
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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