NIGHTINGALES, THE - No Love Lost (2LP) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: No Love Lost
Лейбл: Tiny Global Productions
Вид носителя: 2LP
Дата Релиза: 31.01.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 76625972374
Примечание: And now, the vinyl debut of The Nightingales' No Love Lost! In 2012, Martin Goldschmidt, recognising both the band's genius and the commercial struggles their unique sound engendered, saw to it that Cooking Vinyl released it as a CD, rightly regarding it as an act of public service. Martin and Cooking Vinyl have now gone a step further by allowing us the release of the album to raise money for what will be the busiest period in the band's history, with a plethora of projects on the way - a new album, loads of shows, a documentary film from Michael Cumming, Stewart Lee, and Fire Films' James Nicholls, and vinyl retrospective from pre-Nightingales band The Prefects. Originally released only on CD, we learned it's too long to fit on a single LP. So we've added five tracks recorded back then - cover versions of songs by Joanna Newsom, TLC, The Lovely Eggs and two by The Troggs - none of which have ever been issued on any physical format - and turned it into a double vinyl album. The gatefold sleeve is another classic David Yates collage, smashing in its 12" x 12" glory. It's also the recorded debut of the superb Kitson / Schmid rhythm section. This is a limited edition in a tiny pressing of only 500 - a fraction of what the band typically sell. It will not be sold through normal distribution channels, rather only through Bandcamp, or at one of the band's 2020 gigs next year . . . at which point it may very well be already gone. Whatever profit is made after production costs will fund the Nightingales' eventual American trip to support the release of the documentary film about them, King Rocker. There they'll play a few incredibly rare American dates here, followed by the usual conquest of the UK and Europe. Playing the States is cost-prohibitive. Performance visas alone cost many thousands of dollars, not to mention flights, hotels, lots of petrol, backline rental, you name it. America is a big, scary land, each moment fraught with unexpected calamities, grotesque and unpleasant oddities, hidden dangers - there is an ever-present risk that Robert will get 'cut' in a vicious bar fight, or Andi sold into slavery and forced to pick berries in the blistering heat of West Texas. So we're trying to minimise the risks, and your help is crucial. Buying this special edition will serve as proof that you were there back when, ensuring your possession of both this crucial artefact and a lasting place in the hearts of each band member
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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