WITCHFYNDE - Lords Of Sin / Anthems (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Lords Of Sin / Anthems
Лейбл: Golden Core / Zyx
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 31.01.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 0194111002296
Примечание: Witchfynde are among the most traditional bands of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal. Fans consider them to be exceptionally iconic. They are characterized by an occult image, which only partially matches to typical British hard rock and heavy metal. The band‘s first recordings date from 1975 and have only recently been made available. The four albums from the eighties and the included singles being considered as a blueprint for NWOBHM, are better known. „Lords Of Sin“ from 1984 was the last LP before the band’s reunion and at the same time their debut at Mausoleum Records. The music itself had changed only slightly compared to the previous albums. On the other hand, a much higher importance was attached to the production. Unfortunately, so far all re-releases on CD were not properly processed, sounded sometimes shrill and were offered against overcharged prices. These problems have now been solved! The „35th Anniversary Edition“ is based on a new vinyl transfer from a blank LP that was remastered by Neudi in a following step. For the first time, you can talk about listening pleasure on CD in relation to Witchfynde. In addition to the epic title song, the enormous rocker „Stab In The Back“ is an ultimate highlight! The track is still part of the band’s program. „Lords Of Sin“ was released as a double LP, since the album included four live recordings (1984) as a bonus. This additional vinyl was called „Anthems“ and can also be found in a remastered version on this CD. Just as usual with re-releases by Golden Core, additionally you will find liner notes and all images related to the original LP. Currently we are discussing with the band about the release of two or three recently recorded live songs (Metal Assault Festival). At the moment of printing, it was not yet clear whether they would make it onto this CD.
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