FLYING COLORS - Third Stage: Live In London (2CD+DVD Digipak) (2CD/DVD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Исполнитель: FLYING COLORS
Альбом: Third Stage: Live In London (2CD+DVD Digipak)
Лейбл: Mascot Label Group
Вид носителя: 2CD/DVD
Дата Релиза: 18.09.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 0810020502343
Примечание: Welcome to the rarest of sightings, rarer than a UFO sighting, rarer than a Yeti sighting. A Flying Colors sighting - here on stage in London." Mike Portnoy Third Stage: Live in London' was shot during their US and European tour in 2019. The recordings show the last sold-out show of the tour on 14/12/2019 at the legendary Shepherds Bush Empire in London. The album will be released in various formats, including a 5 disc earbook including a 40 page booklet, as a 3 disc LP in orange transparent vinyl, as well as Blu-ray, 2CD plus DVD and digital. The Blu-ray includes additional bonus material with music videos and concert footage from the 2019 Morsefest in Tennessee (disc no. 5 in the Earbook comes with the same content on DVD). Flying Colors becomes a supergroup through the combination of first-class musicians like guitarist Steve Morse (Deep Purple, Dixie Dregs, ex-Kansas), drummer Mike Portnoy (Winery Dogs, ex-Dream Theater, Transatlantic), Keyboarder and singer Neal Morse (Transatlantic, ex-Spock's Beard), bassist Dave LaRue (Dixie Dregs, ex-Joe Satriani) and not to forget singer and songwriter Casey McPherson (Alpha Rev, The Sea Within). The band played only 9 exclusive shows on their last year's tour, with a sold-out show in London as the highlight. In the middle of the set Mike Portnoy stood up and joked: "Welcome to the rarest of sightings, rarer than a UFO sighting, rarer than a yeti sighting. A Flying Colors sighting - here on stage in London. This is a rather sad night for us because it's the last concert of this tour and we never get the chance to play together enough. So we're gonna enjoy every single moment here on stage tonight
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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