VARIOUS ARTISTS - Cello Sonatas Editon (33 CD box) (CDBOX) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Cello Sonatas Editon (33 CD box)
Лейбл: Brilliant Classics
Вид носителя: CDBOX
Дата Релиза: 03.04.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 5028421960128
Примечание: Graceful, lyrical and with a deep timbre capable of expressing the most profound emotions, the cello has enjoyed a fruitful existence at the heart of orchestras, quartets and other ensembles, as well as as a solo instrument. This anthology surveys the myriad of sonatas written for the instrument, from the first cello compositions by Baroque composers Jacchini and D. Gabrielli to the boundary-pushing sonatas of the 20th century. The earliest cellos emerged in Northern Italy during the 16th century, and this set begins here. It opens in Bologna where the first wire-wound strings were invented and where the pioneers of solo cello repertoire Domenico Gabrielli (1659–90) and his foremost pupil Giuseppe Maria Jacchini (1667–1727) lived and worked. Continuing our tour of Italy, we pass via Vivaldi in Venice, and Lanzetti in Naples. Throughout history, musicians have toured and joined pan-European ensembles, and Baroque-era Italian cellists introduced audiences across the continent to their new instrument – for example Boccherini, who was born in Lucca, moved abroad, joining the household of the Spanish Infante as resident composer and cellist. He wrote around 40 sonatas, and the selected works in this set are characteristic of his style, imbued with elegance and brilliance.
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