Williams,Joseph - Denizen Tenant (2LP Gatefold 180 Gr.Orange Vinyl) (LP) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Denizen Tenant (2LP Gatefold 180 Gr.Orange Vinyl)
Лейбл: Mascot Label Group
Вид носителя: LP
Дата Релиза: 26.02.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 810020503210
Примечание: TOTO members Steve Lukather and Joseph Williams will release solo albums simultaneously on February 26, 2021 Steve Lukather aka “Luke” and Joseph Williams will release individual solo albums on February 26, 2021 via The Players Club / Mascot Label Group. Both artists have made significant contributions to the other’s album. Steve Lukather will release I Found The Sun Again and Joseph Williams is entitled Denizen Tenant. Denizen Tenant features a dozen new recordings. Amongst these are a cover of The Beatles “If I Fell,” which Williams cites as the one specific song that taught him about the power of harmonies and vocal arrangements. On Peter Gabriel’s “Don’t Give Up,” a very special guest performance is featured in his daughter Hannah laying down a vocal track. Across the recorded repertoire, there is a consistent presence of performances by guitarists Steve Lukather and Mike Landau alongside percussionist Lenny Castro. Williams reflects, “Mike Landau has been playing on my music since I was a teenager and he just knows what to do. His parts always inspire me. They help move me to the next step in the writing process. Steve Lukather is like this as well.” In reference to Lenny, he offers, “He knows exactly what is needed and he will give me so many choices. I always get what I want. Like Mike Landau I’ve been working with Lenny since I was a kid.” The record is a part of the continual, on-going collaboration of the triumvirate of Lukather/Paich/Williams. Williams co-wrote “Liberty Man” with Paich while the keyboardist performed Hammond B3 on “Black Dahlia,” and shares, “I love writing with Dave. On this tune, like many others, we spent hours talking about history, religion, music, literature, movies etc. Always leading us like excited kids to a subject or concept for the song. Then we start throwing out phrases, collecting and discarding ideas. Shaping and reshaping melodies along the way.” There are so many contributors with deep connections and history with the artist, all of whom have a significant footprint on Denizen Tenant.
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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