VEGA - Grit Your Teeth (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Grit Your Teeth
Лейбл: Frontiers Records
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 12.06.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 8024391103326
Примечание: VEGA’s sixth album, “Grit Your Teeth” will be released on June 12, 2020 and is set to “blow the roof off”. Working with “The Graves Brothers” (Asking Alexandria, Funeral for Friend, The Family Ruin), they’ve pulled out all the stops, disconnected the brakes, and produced their biggest songs for their biggest sounding album yet. Theirs is a brand of music that is as rewarding as it is challenging. This is not the end, but the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the history of Vega. They’ve toured over the years with Skid Row, Last in Line, FM, Magnum, Joe Elliott’s Down and Outz, Dan Reed Network, and have had festival appearances at DOWNLOAD, Planet Rockstock, Steelhouse, HRH AOR, Rockingham, and the Frontiers Rock Festival in Milan, that have all gone into shaping them into one of the UK’s finest melodic rock bands. The fact that they are not more widely recognised is more down to bad luck than anything else, as anyone that has witnessed them live recently will testify. VEGA’s members have a rich history, including stints with Kick, Sugartown, and Paul Dianno, but it was their meeting of musical minds back in 2009 that would lead to the melodic rock genre receiving one of the finest releases of that year in the form of their debut album, “Kiss Of Life”. The eclectic, off-kilter style of rock made them stand out from the crowd and the band were keen to be more than just another “AOR” band. Bassist Tom Martin was keen to play down their AOR credentials by stating in Classic Rock Magazine, “We don’t want to be an eighties throwback.” It’s not that they don’t like AOR, far from it; it’s just that they wanted to add new flavours and it’s a manifesto that they live for still. After the warmly received sophomore release “What the Hell”, the band recorded their third album "Stereo Messiah" at the home studio of John Mitchell. The It Bites frontman managed to get the best out of the band as they lived at the studio and fully immersed themselves in the process. With Mitchell’s all-time favourite album being Def Leppard’s “Hysteria”, a production that Mutt Lange would be proud of was pursued. Coincidentally, “Stereo Messiah” was also graced by the vocal presence of Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott, who also gave the band a song for the album. The fourth installment in the Vega saga saw them releasing an album that was reckoned to be the best of their recording career. Produced and mixed by Harry Hess (Harem Scarem), "Who We Are" saw them in fine form. It was like they’d pulled together all the pieces of the puzzle, coming up with an album of such magnitude that it was hard to put into words. Lyrically compelling, it traversed rock genres with ease, hitting a note with pop and rock fans alike. Songs like "Saving Grace", "White Flag", and "Every Little Monster" are sublime moments on an album that was full of outstanding songs. The subsequent tour with the Dan Reed Network was one of that year’s finest pairings in the UK, whilst their Hard Rock Hell performance was the stuff of legend. 2017 saw them releasing “Only Human”, a collection of songs that focused on their core strengths: strong harmonies, big choruses, and compelling lyrical content. The album exceeded their expectations by hitting the UK National Rock Chart at No. 3 between Shinedown and Black Stone Cherry!! The band toured with the Quireboys, Skid Row and many others, including a stop at DOWNLOAD along with their heroes Def Leppard and Whitesnake.
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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