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Keeno - I Live, I Learn (CD) 2021

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4 Просмотров
Опубликовано: 27.01.2024 15:55
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: CD
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: Keeno

Альбом: I Live, I Learn

Лейбл: Hospital Records Ltd

Вид носителя: 1 CD

Дата Релиза: 19.02.2021

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 5060514965146

Примечание: Bringing his 2020 story to a gleaming crescendo with an exciting new chapter of music, Keeno graces the world of drum & bass with his very first solo album on Hospital Records, following his three previous triumphant albums on sister-label Med School. ‘I Live, I Learn’ is a divine body of work that goes above and beyond Keeno’s previous repertoire with a fresh outlook on the distinct, classically-infused D+B style that he is loved for. Album title-track ‘I Live, I Learn (feat. F? Vie)’ kickstarts the journey with a majestically cinematic introduction where Keeno’s multi-instrumentalist training shines through as earnest pianos and strings are seamlessly intertwined, laying down the canvas for F? Vie to decorate with her beautiful melodies and heartfelt lyrics. ‘Behind The Glass’ instils immense euphoria and inspiration with the vocals of Kate Wild which uplift and teach the important lesson of self-love. Sublime flourishes and a bassline crafted with sonic precision elevate the irresistibly feel-good track into a world of its own. A future favourite of those who had his ‘Sick Music 2020’ contribution ‘I Wonder’ on repeat. Transcendent atmospherics and soulful guitar grooves set the scene on ‘Severn Summers’ before splashy Amen breaks and jazzy chords ignite into an explosion of musical brightness. Exquisitely executed vintage vocal samples add to the cut’s sublime flair. This is liquid drum & bass at its finest. Teaming up with New Zealand based singer/songwriter, and no stranger to Hospital Records, Thomas Oliver brings his infectiously enlivening vibe to ‘Sunflowers’. Pulsing sub basses, crisp breaks and a warm piano pair perfectly with the blissful vocals of Thomas Oliver. Other notable collaborations on the album include Whiney & Ebson on ‘Unreachable’, Etherwood on the well-received single ‘Fall Beneath You’ and rising star Telomic on ‘Listen Close’. Keeno’s dedication to crafting his own unique sound has not gone unnoticed. His remarkable productions have been supported by esteemed tastemakers, including a ‘Self-Certified Selection’ from MistaJam on BBC Radio 1, plays from Rene LaVice and his music being aired across the UK airwaves from 1Xtra to 6Music. On top of this, Keeno also hosts his widely renowned ‘Bristol Mix Series’ streams showcasing the very best established and upcoming talent in drum & bass. The success of his ‘Bristol Mix Series’ has led to his very own bi-weekly residency at Basement 45 in Bristol, where you’ll be able to catch Keeno spinning the latest D+B to his socially-distanced devotees. Track List 1. Keeno featuring Fae Vie - I Live, I Learn 2. Severn Summers 3. Keeno featuring Kate Wild - Behind The Glass 4. Antiphony 5. When I Heard You 6. Keeno featuring Thomas Oliver - Sunflowers 7. Pancake's Breakfast 8. Keeno featuring Etherwood - Fall Beneath You 9. Breathing Room 10. Keeno featuring Telomic - Listen Close 11. Keeno & Obsel - Fear 12. Oracle 13. Keeno featuring Whiney & Ebson - Unreachable 14. The So-Called Impossible

**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****

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1700 ₽
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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