LUCIFER STAR MACHINE - The Devil's Breath (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: The Devil's Breath
Лейбл: The Sign Records
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 03.04.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 7340148112436
Примечание: The infernal boys are back! On the 3rd of April 2019, Lucifer Star Machine will release their fourth album, "The Devil's Breath". A straight-shooting record filled with thirteen tracks guaranteed to turn every listener into a full steam ahead Rock'n'Roll machine! "The Devil's Breath", is a 42-minute long road to hell that lures the listener with huge choruses, infernal riffs and monstrous melodies presented with the band's trademarked straightforward, no - bullshit attitude; perfectly visualised in the album cover artwork of ?ukasz Jaszak. The Polish artist has added a vintage horror magazine look which compliments the music and positions the band among the big boys of Rock'n'Roll: Mot?rhead, Ramones, Social Distortion, Volbeat and Turbonegro! There is no doubt that Lucifer Star Machine have outdone themselves on their fourth full-length. A prime Rock album that sets the standard for the '20s, "The Devil's Breath", is a high energy mixture of Classic Rock, Punk, a touch of Metal and a hint of 50's Rock'n'Roll. A highly entertaining package combining raw, heartfelt music with great musicianship and addictive hooks. The record holds a new and more accessible approach for the band, with a lot of time spent on creating strong and catchy vocal lines, musical layers, effects, and even piano parts. The record's production is warmer and more powerful than any of the band's previous outings with a lot of focus on the mix. Lucifer Star Machine have achieved a more dynamic and compelling guitar sound without overblown distortion, that supports and emphasises the incredible guitar work. "The Devil's Breath" is an album full of honesty, heart, and soul with a fantastic storyline captured in every lyric. A new era for Lucifer Star Machine, it's time to Get Lucified!
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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