MFC CHICKEN - Fast Food & Broken Hearts (LP) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Fast Food & Broken Hearts
Лейбл: Dirty Water Records
Вид носителя: LP
Дата Релиза: 10.04.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 5056321619471
Примечание: MFC Chicken play raw, sax-fueled rock and roll tunes about fast food and broken hearts. When tenor sax player Spencer Evoy arrived in London fresh from Canada, little did he know that his quest to reignite the spirit of the rock'n'roll sound of the American Pacific Northwest would start outside a chicken shop on the Holloway Road. Since those early days, this poultry-power rock and roll group have released four award winning LPs and a fistful of instantly collectable singles on Dirty Water Records (UK) and FOLC Records (Spain). The band - Spencer Evoy (Sax/Lead Vox), Ravi Low-Beer (Drums), Zig Criscuolo (Bass/Vox), and Dan Criscuolo (Guitar/Vox) - have set the UK and Europe alight with 100's of live shows presenting their own red hot take on "the music the Sonics and The Wailers were listening to", cementing this globe-spanning gang into the finest purveyors of Pacific Northwest rhythm and blues in the land. 2020 sees the 10th anniversary of the band and the release of their newest slab of vinyl presenting 14 brand new slabs of rock and roll, frat rock and rhythm and blues. Highlights include "KFC Called The Cops On Me", "Breakfast 'Taters" and "Fuck You, Me". If you love dancing but hate contemporary music_ if you are desperate to hear rock'n'roll taken back to its roots_ if you are hungry for the greasiest item on the rhythm and blues dance menu, then you are most definitely ready for the indescribable, unstoppable sound of MFC Chicken - the best in the land
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