Fix8:Sed8 - The Inevitable Relapse (CD) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: The Inevitable Relapse
Лейбл: Dependent
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 29.01.2021
Штрих код: 0884388501416
Примечание: With their fifth album "The Inevitable Relapse", their third for Dependent, F?x8:S?d8 are taking the final step from a band with a huge buzz to an established force within the electro industrial scene. The band's name is derived from the psychiatric terms "fixated/sedated". "The Inevitable Relapse" may be taken as a nearly prophetical title as the album has been conceived for the most part during the global pandemic. On a musical level, mastermind Martin Sane stays true to the course, he charted with the successful predecessors "Foren6" (2017) and "Warning Signs" (2019). Under the obvious influence of Canadian cult acts such as SKINNY PUPPY and FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, the Hessian has developed his own inimitable style, which is oscillating between dark electronics and catchy passages. F?x8:S?d8 have established their own soundscapes by continuously moving away from their musical paragons, which resembles the development of artistic soulmates such as MENTALLO & THE FIXER and HAUJOBB. This becomes evidently clear in the unerring songwriting as well as on production-side, which is nearly equally important in the electronic genre. The upward trend with each new album is also reflected on "The Inevitable Relapse", which is made abundantly clear by crushing tracks such as 'Prognosis' and 'Unknown to Virtue' as well as more complex and darker pieces of the 'Human Harvest' brand. On top of this, PYRROLINE thought leader Arnte has contributed with his keen skills to the production and mix.
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