ROY & THE DEVIL'S MOTORCYCLE - Good Morning Blues (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Good Morning Blues
Лейбл: Voodoo Rhythm
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 11.12.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 7640148982955
Примечание: Super Killer Debut Album Re-Issue from Switzerland's most Notorious Psychedelic Punk Band, Strictly Home Recorded on Smokey Sundays and hangover Mondays between 1995 and 1996! In their Teens they admired Spacemen3 and these days they are produced by Spiritualized Deren Tony ,Doggen" Foster, but this here is a RE-RELEASE from their 1st 10" Vinyl release on Voodoo Rhythm records back in 1996, 1 year before their Debut Album, Roy and The DMC was the 1st not Beat-Man band on the Label and they continue releasing for the label since then. You have to notice, back then in 1996 it the peak of TECHNO/TRANCE MUSIC and MTV Mainstream Music, therewas no place for music like that, and we think today that album fits much better, its a weird time we live in and it needsweird music and It's an album full of t eenage weirdness optimistic mood power forced by the Punk Power of the MID 70'S and spaced out sounds of the 1969 BRITISH PSYCHEDELIC AREA... Recorded by the band itself, at the Roy Home Studios on real tape to tape, to another tape and to another tape, than true a telephone and to another tape, then blasting everything up .. that's what made the bands music famous worldwide... these amazing recordings, stuff you can't do with a computer today, truly handmade, music from the beginning to the end, so please welcome one of the 3 Swiss Mountain Brothers and the Drummer Roy and the Devil's Motorcycl
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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