SHED THE SKIN - The Forbidden Arts (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Исполнитель: SHED THE SKIN
Альбом: The Forbidden Arts
Лейбл: Hells Headbangers
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 02.10.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 0020286230748
Примечание: HELLS HEADBANGERS is proud to present SHED THE SKIN's highly anticipated third album, The Forbidden Arts, on CD and vinyl LP formats. SHED THE SKIN is a Satanic old-school death metal juggernaut, created by scene pioneers Kyle Severn (Incantation, Acheron) and Matt Sorg (Ringworm, Blood of Christ. These four architects of Satanic madness - Matt, Kyle, Ash, and Ed - go forth yet again with the third SHED THE SKIN album, The Forbidden Arts, once again through HELLS HEADBANGERS. Once again recorded in Cleveland and mastered by Dan Swano, The Forbidden Arts is a testament of their talent and dedication to making Satanic death: relentless as the material they play, and so is the effort to create 11 new tracks plus a hidden cover from Matt’s 1990s band From the Depths, a tribute to their original vocalist, Cleveland’s own Jim Konya (RIP). Arguably the band's strongest material yet, The Forbidden Arts is also SHED THE SKIN's most varied work to date, including a more pronounced emphasis on haunting synth touches. But rest assured that this is still 100% SATANIC DEATH as they intended from day one - no compromise, no quarter, no wimping out. Just look no further than the cover art: another unforgettable work courtesy of James Bulloch, where the priest has indeed finally shed his skin! SHED THE SKIN over the past years have brought their blasphemic creations to the stage, honoring their past by playing Blood of Christ material as well as current assaults from an ever-expanding discography, which will also soon see the addition of a split 7" with fellow comrades-in-death SURGIKILL. SHED THE SKIN's ambition never ceases, so be prepared to bear witness to the live death metal lacerations that will assuredly shed the skin. And in the meantime, beware The Forbidden Arts!
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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