GRANDBROTHERS - All The Unknown (2LP+MP3) (2LP) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: All The Unknown (2LP+MP3)
Лейбл: City Slang
Вид носителя: 2LP
Дата Релиза: 15.01.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 4250506837082
Примечание: All The Unknown is Grandbrothers third album and set for January 15th release on City Slang. The album maps out a wide-open soundworld of compositional possibilities for pianist Erol Sarp and producer / electronic engineer Lukas Vogel, who have been putting their modern and unique electronic spin on prepared piano since first forming in 2012. Forgoing the need to play every single note live, this new album sees the pair juxtapose the old and new once again, venturing further into the electronic cosmos armed with a grand piano, self-built computer-controlled mechanics, and a new sense of latitude. The debut single and title track from the album “All The Unknown” starts out with the clanging percussive piano figures that have danced across Grandbrothers’ previous terrain, but grows with the intensity of high-octane electronica to cast out allusions of classical romance, guided by emotive, cascading keys that collide with stuttering digital percussion. Listen closely to this latest record and you can hear an old-school hip-hop beat enmeshed in melodic piano, or feel the cold rush of techno fly past at lightning speed. Motifs of club music creep subtly into ‘All The Unknown’’s impeccably textured palette, which nonetheless uses sounds found exclusively within the piano. These sounds and samples are triggered and collected using mechanics built by Vogel and placed inside the piano, then extracted, processed and shaped beyond their original identity to create alien beeps, beats and tones. Melded these with the organic piano sounds is what fuels Grandbrothers’ creativity.
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