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JORN - Heavy Rock Radio II-Executing The Classics (CD) 2020

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Опубликовано: 27.01.2024 12:23
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: CD
  • В наличии: 3 шт.


Исполнитель: JORN

Альбом: Heavy Rock Radio II-Executing The Classics

Лейбл: Frontiers Records

Вид носителя: CD

Дата Релиза: 24.01.2020

Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)

Штрих код: 8024391100523

Примечание: Simply one of the greatest rock singers of our time, Jorn Lande returns with a the second instalment of covers of classics from artists and bands that have meant something special to him, and helped forge this talented man's own unique style. Through Jorn's extensive career, which includes more than 40 albums of mostly original songs, he recorded great versions of several rock classics from classic bands such as Thin Lizzy, UFO, Deep Purple and many more. Every song JORN covers is treated with the utmost respect and "Jorn-ized" accordingly, just like the first "Heavy Rock Radio" album showed with amazing cover versions of evergress songs such as "I know There's Something Going On", "Hotel California", "You're The Voice," "Running Up That Hill" and several others. People and fans showed a lot of enthusiasm and interest for these versions, whose videos got millions of streams on Youtube. This sophomore "Heavy Rock Radio 2" album is not an ordinary album of cover songs, it is truly a songbook of hits. Featured - among others - are great versions of Pages "I Do Believe in You," Foreigner's "Night Life", Don Henley's "New York Minute," Deep Purple's "Bad Attitude," a stunning Metal version of Peter Gabriel's "The Rhythm of the Heat" and of course the unmissable Dio cover "Mystery". More "jukebox" type of covers include "Quinn the Eskimo (The Might Quinn)" originally recorded by Manfred Mann's Earth Band and already covered by Gotthard and Bob Dylan, Bryan Adams' "Lonely Night" (also covered by Uriah Heep), The Searcher's "Needles And Pins" (which was brought to success by Smokie and also covered by Cher, Ramones and Tom Petty among others) and a very personal choice from the man himself, a Russ Ballard song “Winning” which was also recorded by Santana in 1980. Jorn says: "The most important thing was to treat these songs with respect towards the original versions, my goal was always to think that the original artist would be honoured and find my version relevant. At the same time my intention was never to try to compete with the original song and artist, but make it a strong alternative version to enjoy." Jorn's catalogue is getting too long to include in brief press statements, and his innovative and creative skills have led to him selling millions of albums worldwide and being a frequent entry on sales charts around the world including Billboard. Worth a mention is his years with German based MasterPlan, whom he recorded three albums with. Claimed to be the biggest selling Norwegian musical export, since the pop band A-ha, Jorn continues his rock crusade, and there are no signs of him slowing down yet.

**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****

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1680 ₽
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  • Состояние: Новое
  • Категория: Кассеты
Продавец: Vinyl Track
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