André Hommen - More Than This (CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Исполнитель: André Hommen
Альбом: More Than This
Лейбл: These Eyes
Вид носителя: CD
Дата Релиза: 03.07.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 4250101416002
Примечание: Andr? Hommen presents both his first and last album 'More Than This' on his uncompromising label These Eyes. The nine-track LP, set for release this June, is a melodic journey demonstrating the diverse facets of his original sound. Founded in Cologne during 2017, Andr? Hommen created These Eyes with a clear mission statement to release underground electronic music accompanied by his vision for unique design and an ethos for quality. With a back catalogue of selected EPs from the likes of Marc Romboy, Jonathan Kaspar and Clavis, 'More Than This' is the label's first album and also a debut from the label-owner himself. 'Eins' opens with glowing ambient, chimes and sparkling keys are added to produce a lush groove. Like a hazy dream of an unknown paradise, warm soulful chords and vocals-sound, like waves, slowly washing against the shore on 'Pantone'. During 'Mirror', distorted female vocals become the centrepiece of the melody, in a driving techno track made for the warehouse. The funky bassline of 'Current Issue' moves with swagger, a deeper vibe is unveiled as the harmony builds suspense and charm on a rhythm of cowbell. Eerie tribalistic percussion combines with devilish piano on the haunting 'Arythm'. Fuzzy, scratching electronics and the energy of the 808 leaves you in a dizzy state during 'Waste Your Youth'. 'Emphase' is a tense night-time ride through the forest, featuring slowly burning progression that flows with the sound of running water. Starting with nothing but an intricate drum-pattern, 'Cohesive' is Andr? at his hypnotic best, waiting until you are fully under his spell before adding a mesmerizing loop. Title track 'More Than This' sees synths that ebb, flow and flicker in this floating downtempo number that gently closes the LP.
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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