Gorme,Eydie - Eydie Gorme Collection 1952-62 (2 CD) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Eydie Gorme Collection 1952-62
Вид носителя: (2 CD)
Дата Релиза: 28.05.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 824046338121
Примечание: Debut full length of supremely crafted death metal morbidity from Russia. Massively scaled, supremely crafted, atmospheric death metal for fans of Cruciamentum, Dead Congregation, IncantationWith solely a 2 track demo to their credit, Russia's Gosudar quickly solidified themselves as a future force to be reckoned with within the realms of atmospheric death metal. Now, nearly 3 years later, the Moscow based trio re-enters the arena with their debut full length, Morbid Despotic Ritual, their sound fully realized and developed. With gut-churning vocals and seasick serpentine riffage, Gosudar wind their way through twisted, psychotic arrangements, while never sacrificing their oppressive heaviness for technicality, nor disregarding the sheer power of a razor-sharp hook. It's a cyclonic style of death metal chaos crucial for fans of Dead Congegration, Mortiferum, and Incantation, and one that stands near the top of the new breedLmtd 500 in jewel box with lyric bookletMastered by Dan Lowndes (Cruciamentum) at Resonance Sound StudioPress Quotes'Get ready for a monstrous sound there's actually no preparing yourself for....All violence and meat-hook catchiness on the outside, but completely dead on the inside, Gosudar are deeper and realer than hype. They're death metal true. _Dutch Pierce, Decibel Magazine
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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