Rome - Hansa Studios Session II (Digipak) (1 CD) 2021
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: CD
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Hansa Studios Session II (Digipak)
Вид носителя: (1 CD)
Дата Релиза: 30.04.2021
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 4260063947209
Примечание: Grammy-Award-winning audio engineer Michael Ilbert usually has his hands full with mixing the international Pop A-list, but ROME managed to squeeze into Berlin's legendary Hansa Studios, yet again, for a one-day recording stunt after their 2019 'The West Knows Best' tour. Many of Jerome Reuter's saints and idols have served the Church of Hansa and delivered ground-breaking work there: NICK CAVE, IGGY POP, DEPECHE MODE, THE PIXIES, EINST?RZENDE NEUBAUTEN, ZARAH LEANDER… to name but a few. And so the pressure was on to do this tradition justice. ROME plus entourage set up camp at Hansa for a mere 30 hours to record a handful of songs, including some of their more recent work like 'Kali Yuga ?ber Alles' and 'Who Only Europe Know' from the highly successful albums 'The Lone Furrow' and 'Le Ceneri di Helidioro' respectively. The selection of songs also includes ROME's earliest material, 'Like Lovers' being the very first song Reuter recorded as 'ROME' on December 1st, 2005. The band on this live session is comprised of Laurent Fuchs (drums and percussion), Vlad Purice (bass), Eric Becker (guitar) and ROME's leading man Jerome Reuter (guitar, percussion and vocals). There ere no overdubs made after the session -no actual enhancements of any sort, in fact- in order to capture the band's live sound in its raw form. The resulting 'Hansa Studios Session II' is a real peak into a well-oiled live machine -in all its fierce rawness- and an authentic and intimate glimpse at one of Europe's most prolific songwriters at work. Tracklisting: 1. Who Only Europe Know (live at Hansa Studios) 2. The West Knows Best (live at Hansa Studios) 3. Kali Yuga ?ber Alles (live at Hansa Studios) 4. Uropia O Morte (live at Hansa Studios) 5. Like Lovers (live at Hansa Studios) 6. Blighter (live at Hansa Studios) 7. The Twain (live at Hansa Studios) 8. Skirmishes For Diotima (live at Hansa Studios)
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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