THE ANIMEN - Same Sun / Different Light (Coloured Vinyl/LP+CD) (LP/CD) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: Same Sun / Different Light (Coloured Vinyl/LP+CD)
Лейбл: Two Gentlemen
Вид носителя: LP/CD
Дата Релиза: 20.03.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 7640186550727
Примечание: The new album by The Animen! The sun shines for everyone but some are better at making the most of its rays. From young shoots turned towards the universal sun of rock'n'roll, The Animen have become sturdy pillars on the European rock scene after almost ten years of electric activism: four accomplished musicians, four amazing performers after hundreds of concerts, and four studio aesthetes who are now releasing their third record aptly entitled Same Sun / Different Light – or how to turn sunstroke into sheer delight. After having chased their vintage fantasy all the way to Nashville with their previous album (Are We There Yet?, 2015), The Animen have firmly and deliberately taken root in the present. By teaming up with Samy Osta for their third studio endeavour, the guys from Geneva have added to their talent the vista of a producer brimming with energy and boldness (Feu! Chatterton, La Femme, Juniore). Analogue or digital? Traditional or modern? There’s no point in choosing, “We took the best of both worlds”. Over two weeks, the band got back into shape while doing some soul-searching in its Parisian lair. The aim of the game: to challenge codes, break a few dumb rules, keep faithful to their eternal heroes while daring to reinvent themselves in the present. Same sun, different light… “We enjoyed taking things backwards. We had to go against our instincts and invent a new vocabulary.” A hint to a first round of composition back in 2017, after 18 months of touring, that was deemed unsatisfactory as it remained too close to their comfort zone. The Animen are too young to repeat themselves. The second attempt was the right one, driven by a previously-untried collective approach. “Our greatest challenge was for every musician to like each song equally. Previously we had a rule that we had to be able to play a song solo on the acoustic guitar before performing it with the full band.” One of the dumb rules that The Animen got rid of, enjoying themselves more than ever in their new repertoire, confidently broadening the spectrum of their music, and giving free rein to their every whim and idea. “Still, we remain pretty rock’n’roll when it comes to recording.” The interlacing that embellishes the 11 tracks – elegant guitar friezes, elastic bass lines, sturdy rhythmical reliefs topped with a warm and vibrant voice – are all the more admirable. From the biting enthusiasm of The Absence to the psychedelics of Greetings from El Matador, from the gloriously lo-fi and nonchalant Mourning Sun to the drunken broken-down cabaret of Woe is Me and the Stones-like choruses of Two-Armed River, the record features a kaleidoscope of lively, embracing and colourful lights. To capture them, The Animen dared to look at the sun without batting an eyelid. Galvanised and regenerated, they are off again to pass on the flame which will be with you soon.
**** ВНИМАНИЕ!! ****
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