EVVOL - The Power (LP) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Альбом: The Power
Лейбл: Mad Dog & Love
Вид носителя: LP
Дата Релиза: 22.05.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 4062548008579
Примечание: Berlin based duo Evvol release their second album The Power on thier own imprint Mad Dog and Love via the !K7 Collective. A meditation on love, the intimate and personal offering is a product of turning their thoughts inward after time spent considering the state of the world and politics over the last year. Looking at the fragility of human existence and the importance of emotional release, The Power begins with beautiful and slow building-ballad Help Myself, and is followed by the more playful It’s OK. Choosing to record the vocals in their Kreuzberg home-studio and investing in a top microphone and pre-amp meant they could experiment much more. From the lusty first encounters of Speedboat to the beautiful banalities of long-term partnership in Old Love, the intimacy and personal subject matter were best captured in a domestic environment. As always, percussion, groove and rhythmic tendencies are exploited in a number of different moods throughout, whether it be the 90’s inspired War, or the pop-house sounds of The Power. The bands signature warm analogue sound is maintained throughout, the lighter shades offset by equally present winter melancholy of tracks such as Video Tape and The Well. With hard-craft and ambition aside, The Power is essentially an introspective mantra about love and intimacy, and at a time of universal unrest, it feels refreshing and vital
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