RIMBAUD, PENNY - Christ's Reality Asylum - A Catharsis (2LP) 2020
- Состояние: Новое
- Категория: LP / Пластинки
- В наличии: 3 шт.
Исполнитель: RIMBAUD, PENNY
Альбом: Christ's Reality Asylum - A Catharsis
Лейбл: One Little Indian
Вид носителя: 2LP
Дата Релиза: 26.06.2020
Состояние: Новая (запечатанная)
Штрих код: 5016958096403
Примечание: Written and published as a journal of dissent in 1977 by Penny Rimbaud before the formation of anarchist tricksters Crass, 'Christ's Reality Asylum' became the template for much of the socio-political attitudes of the band. Crass' first album, 'The Feeding Of The Five Thousand', included a short section of the journal, going under the title of 'Reality Asylum', which led to immediate interest from the authorities. Charges of 'criminal blasphemy' were eventually dropped, but from that time on Crass were under constant surveillance by the police and MI5 (the New York mafia didn't like it either!). In short, 'Christ's Reality Asylum' is Crass in a very large nutshell. The decision to release 'Christ's Reality Asylum' was made to celebrate Crass' change of label from Southern Records to One Little Indian. Having in 2019 lovingly remastered their entire catalogue at Abbey Road Studios, it seemed only natural that they should release 'Christ's Reality Asylum' as the cherry to top the cake. Radical in the extreme, the release of 'Christ's Reality Asylum' is also a celebration of creative freedom. Initial recording of Penny Rimbaud's reading by A-Soma at Red Herring Studios, Autumn 1991. Mastered at Southern Studios by A-Soma and Paul Harding in Winter 1991. Solo voice recording released in cassette form on Crass Records, Summer 1992. Hugh Metcalfe's backing voice and noise recorded by Tony Barber at The Shedio Studio in Summer 2012. Eve Libertine's backing vocals recorded by Harvey Birrell at Old Street Studios in Autumn 2019.
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